How to Care for a Fixed Dental Bridge

A fixed dental bridge is a false tooth used by the dentist to cover a missing tooth between two healthy teeth to make it easier to chew and restore your ability to speak. They are mainly made out of materials such as porcelain or ceramic to blend in with your natural teeth aesthetically.

Before one is considered a candidate, they’ll need to be evaluated by looking at the location of the gap, the structure of the gum, and if the adjacent teeth are strong enough for it.

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This is to protect your mouth from bacteria and dental complications. When fixing your bridges and crowns, there are four types of fixed dental bridges that dentists will technically recommend, which are;

  • Traditional – This is the most common way of replacing teeth that involves one or more teeth supported by two adjacent teeth.
  • Cantilever – Involves the connection of the artificial tooth to the crown of one of the teeth adjacent to the gap.
  • Maryland – This is similar to the traditional way of replacing teeth; however, the bridge contains a metal framework that is adhered to the back of the adjacent teeth.
  • Implant-supported – this is a permanent bridge that is supported solely by the gums of the space and not the adjacent teeth like the rest of the bridges.

Brush twice a day

Growing up, we have been bombarded with advertisements of toothpaste brands wanting us to brush after every meal. The problem with this method is that teeth and gums start to become sensitive when exposed to regular scrubbing.

We advise you to brush your teeth twice a day – when you wake up and before bed, which will give you better results without hurting your teeth.

Use a soft-bristled brush to brush the fixed dental bridge as the hard-bristled brushes can destroy your teeth and bruise your gums. Ensure you focus on a specific area for some time to remove all the germs and bacteria.

If the bridge is well installed, you should be able to brush under it to make sure all the dirt is removed in case the brushing didn’t get them.

Floss daily

Flossing is meant to remove food particles hiding between teeth and at the border of the gums and your teeth. A string of floss is wrapped around a tooth to try and remove any particles that regular brushing cannot reach.

You should floss before bed to remove all the particles collected during the day and prevent them from decaying inside your bridge.

Carefully insert the string under the bridge and slowly move it around to remove any dirt. Move the floss all around the bridge tapping every part of it to help keep it clutter-free.

Use an antibacterial mouthwash

Brushing your teeth will help clean it up but will not remove bacteria entirely; this is why you need to use an antibacterial or fluoride mouthwash to rinse your mouth.

This mouthwash will clean all the bacteria and germs from your teeth, leaving you with a clean and fresh breath. Regardless of your dental routine, introducing an antiseptic mouthwash can help thoroughly clean your teeth, tongue, and gums.

Avoid eating forbidden foods

You should avoid certain food if you have a fixed dental bridge in your mouth. These include raw fruits and vegetables, ice, sticky candy, among others that can easily dislodge your dental bridge.

It is important to steer clear of these foods to avoid replacing your bridge days after getting them. Thoroughly cook your hard food like meat and vegetables to enable you to chew with a dental bridge.

Maintain regular checkups

Make sure you have a checkup twice every year regardless of your dental health situation. These checkups will help protect your teeth by giving the dentist a chance to examine them for infections or severe conditions.

Also, the dentists will help you adjust your dental routines to one that optimally cleans your teeth. They would also be able to correct problems with your bridge to keep it working as expected.

A fixed dental bridge will help bring your smile back while allowing you to speak and chew without the trouble that comes with missing teeth. It will boost your self-esteem and improve your health by helping you chew more effectively.

Following some of the tips offered in this article will ensure your bridge is functional and looks good.