How To Choose The Right Type Of Drinking Water

Imagine the convenience of having healthy drinking water in any room of your home? Well, guess what?  Tap water isn’t the only type of drinking water, and it isn’t always the healthiest.

Distilled, purified, filtered and spring water are all healthy types of drinking water you can use as alternatives., but each has different pros and cons to consider.

So what type of drinking water is best? Find out which type is best suited for you below:

1. Distilled Water

Tap water can be contaminated with organic and inorganic elements, both of which can be removed through evaporation, or distillation.

Distilled water is a type of drinking water that has been boiled until it steams. The extreme heat causes evaporation, removing the contaminants in your water. The steam is then captured and allowed to cool within a distillation chamber, leaving water that is safe to drink.

Ranging in price from $100 – over $1000, water distillers are eco-friendly and widely used in the medical industry because there are no chemicals used to purify water. You might find these reviews of water distillers for your home helpful.

2. Purified Water

Another type of drinking water that’s very popular and healthy is purified. Purified water is run through a similar filtration process as distilled and filtered water, with some modification. The additional use of reverse osmosis or deionization further removes impurities, making purified water one of the best types of clean drinking water for your home.

Clean tap water is typically purified water.  While purified water is contaminant free, it also removes important elements such as fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay.

You can purchase a water purification system for your entire home (whole house) or for a single point of use, such as your kitchen sink.

3. Spring Water

Whether you’re driving, hiking, or just on the go, spring water is another healthy type of clean drinking water.

This type of drinking water, however, is available only in bottles. Drawn from a natural source such as a glacier or mountain stream, spring water is treated with similar process as tap water and doesn’t offer any additional health benefits.

Bottled spring water is inexpensive and widely available. Despite its implication, spring water isn’t natural and unfiltered. Once the water is pumped from its source, it is taken to a treatment facility where it goes through a carbon filtration process.

4. Mineral Water

Another type of clean drinking water is mineral water from a mineral or underground spring. Loaded with iron, zinc sulfur, calcium and magnesium, mineral water can add valuable minerals to your diet.

Mineral water is usually available in a carbonated, bottled form and which is more expensive than spring water.  There are several brands to choose them, and different flavors as well.

5. Filtered Water

Filtered water is much less costly than a whole house water filtration system, and a convenient source of clean drinking water on demand.

Typically, filtered water is drawn from a tap water source before it is treated and bottled. A carbon filter and micron filter effectively remove the chlorine, before being ozonated and dispensed in bottles of varying sizes.

Filtered water bottles are used with a water dispenser. A bottle of filtered water is placed either on the top or bottom of the dispenser, which can be replaced when empty. Although very clean, filtered water isn’t the best type of drinking water for those who are concerned about the use of plastic bottles.

Last but not least, don’t forget about smart home products that can help improve the water quality in your home, and the delivery. While some are very expensive, there’s a lot of smart water quality products that are worth it.

Improving the quality of your water and the access to it is very important to consider if you’re thinking about making large changes in your home or installing a custom water filter system. No matter what type of water you choose, there are more options than ever before!