How To Disinfect Your Car During Coronavirus Pandemic

At the moment, there is no drug or vaccine that can protect our loved ones and us against coronavirus. The number of infected people is growing rapidly around the world these days.

However, we still can take measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. Limiting close contact with other people, wearing masks and washing hands the right way can keep us relatively safe. On the other hand, it might not be enough in the fight with COVID-19.

It’s also important to keep your house sanitized. Think how many surfaces you touch every day multiple times – remote controls, mobile phones, doorknobs, refrigerator doors, sink, etc. In order to feel safe at home, it’s crucial to use a disinfectant wipe.

Besides your house, you should also clean the inside of your vehicle properly. It is one area most people may have overlooked.

Taxi drivers should pay extra attention to disinfection their vehicles since they spend most of their time in closed space with strangers. According to the latest research conducted in Massachusetts, people without symptoms can also cause substantial amounts of infection.

Taxi drivers might refuse to drive people with clear coronavirus symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing), but it will still not keep them 100% safe. A lot of drivers from different countries of the world are in a difficult situation right now. They struggle to earn a living since the number of passengers significantly decreased. At the same time, they are at high risk of getting infected at work.

Moreover, there are no strict rules on how to behave with the passenger who might be COVID-19 infected even though there are a lot of regulations on how to hire a car, read more about it here.

Here is what drivers can do to protect themselves and help prevent spreading the virus to the passengers:

Limit the number of places you drive

As recommended by the authorities, you should limit the number of places you visit, unless you are a taxi driver. That’s how you can decrease the chance of exposure. So, if it is not necessary to go somewhere, just stay home until the situation improves.

Take measures at the gas station

You should wear gloves not only in the shop but also at the gas station. According to one study, fuel pams can carry more germs than public toilet seats. You will never know who used that fuel pam before you and if it was disinfected, so better safe than sorry.

Use the hand sanitizer

The first thing to do after you get into a car is to use hand sanitizer. Encourage your passengers to do the same. This simple rule will help you to prevent spreading germs. Besides hand sanitizer, you should also keep a box of tissues and sanitary wipes in your car.

Air out your car

Recent studies show that coronavirus can live in the air for up to two hours. That’s why it’s crucial to start airing out your car more frequently.

Also, consider leaving your car windows open in case it’s warm outside. Doctors say that leaving your windows open between the rides can help you reduce the risk of getting infected.

Avoid ride-shares

All passengers should be in the back seat during the ride. It’s better not to drive with more than two people at the same time. To protect your passengers and yourself, encourage them to use hand sanitizer to disinfect their seats before and after the ride. Other than that, make sure to wear a mask and avoid touching your face when sharing a car with others.

Clean high-touch areas with soap

Before disinfecting high-touch areas, consider cleaning them with car soap. It will help you to remove contaminants such as grossness, dirt, oil, and sweat.

Avoid using a bleach-based disinfectant since it can damage your car’s interior.

More tips to keep you safe!

In current circumstances, it’s also important to clean under car seats and seatbelts. There is no need to wash your seatbelts in the washing machine since it can damage them by washing out fire retardants.

Each time you transport germ-prone items such as groceries or laundry, you should also disinfect your car.

Make sure to use the right cleansers for cleaning your car interior. For instance, if you have leather steering wheels, trim, and seating, a simple combination of water and soap should be just fine.

The bottom line

Disinfecting your house and your car might seem like a lot of work. However, these days, it’s a necessity that can protect you against the virus and help to stop the spreads of COVID-19.

Using hand sanitizer before the ride, wearing gloves at a gas station, or asking your passengers to put their masks on during the ride cannot be that difficult. Stay safe.