When it comes to wine, people’s tastes vary as much as they do when choosing food and, according to some scientists your choice of plonk could say a lot about you.
Researchers at Michigan State University claim that there are four types of wine drinker known as ‘vintotypes.’
The scientists claim that we don’t rely on food pairings when ordering wine but choose our drink based on what category we fit into.
Speaking to the Independent whether we opt for a light and fruity white or a heavy red all depends on our personality type.
The Independent revealed the four wine categories listed below and those with a taste for a sweet wine may be offended!
Sweet: ‘Drinkers of a sweet wine tend to be very picky about their wines – along with most other things in their lives’ reveal the researchers.
They also remark that the vast majority (70 per cent) of this category are women.
Hypersensitive: Researchers say that this group is not dissimilar to the ‘Sweet’ drinkers but are more ‘open minded’ to trying new things.
They add that these ‘people are most likely to complain about TV volume and thermostat temperature.’
Sensitive: Described as being both ‘flexible and adventurous’ the sensitive drinker is the middle ground between sweet drinkers and ‘tolerant’. Researchers say that those in this category tend to be more ‘free spirited’.
Tolerant: Those who fall into this cateogory are known for being ‘show-offs’ opting for bolder flavours such as full-bodied reds.
Researchers say: ‘People in this category demand intensity from their wines, big bold flavours, and just don’t get how others like drinking ‘wimpy’ wines.’