How to Protect from the deadly Coronavirus

Coronavirus started spreading from the city of Wuhan, China. It is the most dangerous virus that has killed many people not only in china but also worldwide. First case of this virus was reported on 31st December 2019. Let’s see, how we can protect us from this deadly coronavirus by following some simple techniques.

Although the virus is originated in China but it hit other countries around the world. Some of  countries have active relationships with china and they even did not block flight operations with china so they are directly affected including Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan and virus infected people moved to those countries and it spread there.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Coronavirus shows its result slowly in the body. According to researchers, the early symptoms of coronavirus are very common such as high fever, cough, flu, and headache and body pain. These symptoms can vary from person to person. If you face any of these symptoms, you need to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Wash your Hands frequently

First of all develop a habit of washing your hands frequently. Always use soap, hand washer and keep your hands dry, use a neat and clean towel. This is how you can eliminate the virus from your hand. You can also use an alcohol-based product.

Click here to read the latest research, updated articles and prevention techniques about coronavirus

Respiratory Hygiene Practice

Whenever you are sneezing and coughing, cover your nose and mouth instantly with the hand, elbow or tissue. If you use your hand or elbow then wash immediately or if you use tissue then discard it instantly after use. This is how you can stop the virus and germs from spreading. Drink a lot of water for the whole day and do not keep your throat dry.

Maintain Distance From Sick People

Virus can travel even if you touch an infected person. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 3 feet or 2 meters from the sick people. Especially maintaining the far distance from the people who are sneezing, coughing or having a fever. If someone is infected by the coronavirus and you maintain the distance from that person, then you can prevent yourself from the virus.

See Your Doctor If You Have Fever

Fever is the major symptom of the coronavirus. If you have a fever, cough or sneeze then see your doctor immediately, because it may be caused by coronavirus. If you are the victim of the coronavirus then start your treatment immediately because lateness can be dangerous for your life.

Stay Away from Animals

Coronavirus is found in bats but it came from a  snake meat which Chinese eat frequently and maybe that snake eats bat. It is recommended to stay away from animals and do not use touch them. You may have pets at home but those animal are less risky but still if you can maintain a distance or wash your hands after you touch them is still not risky. Also, be careful while eating meat. Always choose the healthy and fresh meat. Sick animal’s meant can have virus that can put you in trouble.