Husband of Skye Leckie commended her for her SBS reality show appearance

Former Seven boss David Leckie has praised his wife Skye after she stepped into the shoes of a homeless person for 10 days for the SBS TV show Filthy Rich and Homeless.

Mr Leckie told The Daily Telegraph: ‘She was brilliant and the producers of the show are world class.’

However, he did say Mrs Leckie, a charity fundraiser, was keen to move on from her location in Parramatta to the city as she hoped it would secure her better luck.

Former Seven boss David Leckie has praised his wife Skye (pictured) after she became homeless for ten days for SBS show Filthy Rich and Homeless

In a trailer for the show Mrs Leckie, who is a charity fundraiser, said: 'I do think anyone can be successful - if you've got the drive and the ambition you're going to get up and there and do it'

In a trailer for the show Mrs Leckie, who is a charity fundraiser, said: ‘I do think anyone can be successful – if you’ve got the drive and the ambition you’re going to get up and there and do it’

Mr Leckie (pictured) told The Daily Telegraph: 'She was brilliant and the producers of the show are world class'

He said: 'She expected to recognise someone and them to hand her $1000' (Mrs Leckie pictured)

Mr Leckie (left) told The Daily Telegraph: ‘She was brilliant and the producers of the show are world class’ (Mrs Leckie right)

He said: ‘She expected to recognise someone and them to hand her $1000.’

Season two of the show enlisted Cameron Daddo, Benjamin Law, Alli Simpson, Alex Greenwich and Skye Leckie to sleep rough for 10 days in the wake of Australia’s rising homeless population.

In a trailer for the show Mrs Leckie, who is a charity fundraiser, said: ‘I do think anyone can be successful – if you’ve got the drive and the ambition you’re going to get up and there and do it.

‘Or you’re going to sit back and watch other people do it.’

However she was quick to realise the hardships that people living rough on the streets go through.

She asked some passersby if they had a dollar and they ignored her.

Speaking to the camera she said: ‘I just can’t believe the people who will not look me in the face.’

Season two of the show enlisted (left to right) Cameron Daddo, Skye Leckie, Alli Simpson, Alex Greenwich and Benjamin Law to sleep rough for ten days in the wake of Australia's rising homeless population

Season two of the show enlisted (left to right) Cameron Daddo, Skye Leckie, Alli Simpson, Alex Greenwich and Benjamin Law to sleep rough for ten days in the wake of Australia’s rising homeless population

When she was faced with kindness, she broke down. A woman handed her a coffee and $50.

Mrs Leckie found it hard to speak through the tears as she explained what the woman had done for her.

She said that she missed her husband while filming, to which Mr Leckie joked it would be a while before she lived that down.