A woman who once devoured a loaf a day has sliced six stone from her weight after deciding to ditch bread.
Molly Jones, 28, from Wrexham, Wales, ballooned to 16 stone after scoffing slices of bread and toast in between meals.
But the mother-of-two has now lost six stone in six months after cutting out the habit from her diet and dropping her calories to 800 per day using a meal replacement programme.
The NHS recommends a daily intake of 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men for healthy weight maintenance.
According to UK nutrition brand Feel, safe and sustainable weight loss is achieved with a calorie deficit of between 10–20 per cent.

Molly Jones (pictured left, before her weight loss, and right, afterwards), 28, from Wrexham, Wales, ballooned to 16 stone after scoffing slices of bread and toast in between meals
Molly said: ‘I always felt guilty every time I had another slice of toast because I felt like a bad mum, it was like every snack was me letting down my kids.’
She explained how working from home took a toll on her eating habits as she always found herself reaching for the cupboard.
One day, she realised when trying to play with her kids that she was too unhealthy to have the energy to join in with the activities her children were doing.
She told how she had always been bigger due to her eating habits and had recently found herself ‘living on toast’ and she threw more than 10 slices of bread a day into the toaster.
At her heaviest she was 16 stone but after years of a repetitive diet of toast, biscuits and pasta, she decided enough was enough.
The programme consisted of four specially made meal replacements throughout the day that included breakfast bars, protein shakes and specially made meals such as low calorie porridge or mac and cheese.
Molly completely ditched her beloved loaf of bread and didn’t even have a slice a day whilst on her diet.
After six months on the diet, she found herself being able to fit into size 10 clothes, something she never thought she’d be able to do.

But the mother-of-two (pictured recently) has now lost six stone in six months after cutting out the habit from her diet and dropping her calories to 800 per day using a meal replacement programme

Molly (pictured before her weight loss) said: ‘I always felt guilty every time I had another slice of toast because I felt like a bad mum, it was like every snack was me letting down my kids.’

Molly (pictured after her weight loss) explained how working from home took a toll on her eating habits as she always found herself reaching for the cupboard

One day, Molly (pictured after her weight loss) realised when trying to play with her kids that she was too unhealthy to have the energy to join in with the activities her children were doing
Her diet now consists of a similar plan but she increases her calories every few weeks to gradually get back to normal, healthy meals.
With this, she still consumes her meal replacement bars or protein shakes but uses the extra calories for a lunch such as a wrap or a bigger dinner such as a burger.
Molly told how she is now in the best shape of her life and is able to join in with playing with her kids more than before.
She said: ‘I do still eat my toast occasionally but I keep it to one or two slices for breakfast or lunch and it’s definitely not every day.
‘I’ve always said to my friends that I’d never be able to fit into a size 10 so to actually say that now is the best feeling ever.
‘When I was bigger, I’d just be eating bread all day, between meals I’d be eating three slices of toast and walking back and forth to the cupboard to grab just one more biscuit.

At her heaviest, Molly (pictured after her weight loss) was 16 stone but after years of a repetitive diet of toast, biscuits and pasta, she decided enough was enough.

Molly (pictured before the weight loss) completely ditched her beloved loaf of bread and didn’t even have a slice a day whilst on her diet

After six months on the diet, Molly (pictured recently) found herself being able to fit into size 10 clothes, something she never thought she’d be able to do

Molly’s diet now consists of a similar plan but she increases her calories every few weeks to gradually get back to normal, healthy meals. Pictured, Molly and her son)

With this, Molly (pictured before her weight loss journey) still consumes her meal replacement bars or protein shakes but uses the extra calories for a lunch such as a wrap or a bigger dinner such as a burger
‘I would practically live on toast because I just couldn’t stop eating it. I’d never sit there and eat a whole pack of something in one go but I’d keep going back for more and end up having the lot anyway.
‘I was so unhappy with the way I looked, I couldn’t wear anything that I wanted to wear and it was getting harder and harder for me to keep up with the kids.
‘I didn’t want to go to the gym because that wasn’t the issue, I needed to focus on my eating habits since that had become my downfall.
‘It was so hard to stay focused in the first three weeks, I was missing having my toast and my sandwiches but I pushed through and it all fell into place.
‘It’s been really hard missing out on things that I should be able to do like running around with my kids and going to birthday parties which I didn’t want to do because I was so uncomfortable in all of my clothes.
‘But now I’ve got so much more energy and I can do things like push my kids on a swing at the park, that’s something that used to tire me out after two minutes.
‘My mindset on food has completely changed, I always felt like eating could support and comfort me but eating that much toast is an addiction.
‘I just needed to very positive towards my eating instead of negative and my family have been so supportive which really spurred me on.
‘Having the determination to throw away my habits is what has got me looking as amazing as I think I do today so I’d tell people to never give up.’
Read more at DailyMail.co.uk