I wouldn’t go tandem sky diving with my husband so he’s going with another woman – I’m concerned, but people tell me I’m being controlling

A woman has been told she is being ‘controlling’ after revealing she is annoyed that her husband is going skydiving with another woman.

The anonymous poster, took to the British parenting forum Mumsnet to ask others for their thoughts on her dilemma.

And while it appeared she may have been seeking some sympathy, many fellow forum-users were quite harsh in response to her post.

An anonymous woman, believed to be UK-based, has been chastised after revealing she doesn’t want her husband to go skydiving with a female friend (stock image)

The original post (pictured) asked people for their thoughts on the dilemma, and if she was being reasonable

The original post (pictured) asked people for their thoughts on the dilemma, and if she was being reasonable

One wrote: ‘It’s quite hard to get jiggy in mid air in boiler suits 

In her original post, she wrote: ‘Partner wanted to do a charity skydive with some of his friends/colleagues. I refused as it isn’t something I’m interested in.

‘He said fine. And now is doing the tandem skydive with one of his female friends?

‘AIBU [Am I Being Unreasonable] to be concerned?’

Many of the people who commented on the post felt that as the woman had refused to go skydiving, her husband had no other option.

‘Don’t be daft. It’s fine,’ one commented.

Another agreed, adding: ‘What exactly are your concerns?’

A third wrote: ‘I did a skydive with two work friends (one female, one male, and we were all single). It was just three colleagues jumping out of an aeroplane.’

Meanwhile, a fourth pointed out: ‘He asked you first, suggesting you were his first choice. She is his plan B.

A lot of commentators criticised the woman, with one calling her 'controlling' and another branding her 'ridiculous'

A lot of commentators criticised the woman, with one calling her ‘controlling’ and another branding her

‘What could happen? They will dive with an instructor. It may become a bonding experience for them, maybe.

‘Do you already have concerns about this specific person? Or is there history with your partner being unfaithful?’

Another wrote: ‘He has a right to do the activities he enjoys. You are being controlling.’ 

And a further forum user added: ‘You’re being ridiculous. You said you weren’t interested so your husband is doing the sky dive with someone else. Why the need for the drama?’   

However, some respondents were slightly more sympathetic to the poster and her worries.

One wrote: ‘He is with you, for you.

‘Your insecurities are your own. Work on them.’

However, a number of respondents were more sympathetic about the woman's insecurities and offered some report

However, a number of respondents were more sympathetic about the woman’s insecurities and offered some report

Another added: ‘This thread has cheered me up. You have nothing to worry about.’

A third added: ‘Unless there’s history with woman then YABU [You Are Being Unreasonable].’ 

Meanwhile a further respondent added: ‘Go along to watch and support, plenty of first time jumpers bring friends and family to spectate. He’s no more likely to bond with her over this than any shared activity and you can’t keep him from doing every thing you aren’t up for!’

And a fifth wrote: ‘I can see why you don’t like it. I wouldn’t want my fella getting all excited about sharing and experience that he’ll remember for the rest of his life with another woman.

‘There’s not much you can do though, it’s a charity thing and he did ask you first. Just be supportive and go to the airfield on the day to take pictures.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk