I’m a mother-to-be who has a VERY unusual name in mind for my daughter – but people say it sounds like a makeup brand
A mother-to-be has faced backlash after she revealed her very unusual name on an online thread.
The anonymous user took to British forum Mumsnet to ask people what they thought about her potential baby name.
The woman is around seven months pregnant and is expecting a baby girl in September.
She wrote: ‘I’m due a baby girl in September. I really like the name Sepora and think it’s quite unique.
‘My husband hates it! Am I being unreasonable here?’
The anonymous woman took to British forum Mumsnet to ask people what they thought about her potential baby name (stock image)

The mother-to-be revealed that her husband did not like the name and asked if she was being unreasonable
Users responded to the thread and compared her daughter’s potential name to the makeup store, Sephora.
One person wrote: ‘From the title I assumed you meant Sephora but had mistyped.
‘Is Sepora a made-up name? I think it’s sounds awful, sorry. More like a brand of cleaning products than a girl’s name.
“Can’t get rid of that grease on your pans? Just use Sepora and they’ll be sparkling in a flash”.
Another said: ‘Yes, instantly think Sephora. That’s a no. Unless you are planning siblings Superdrug and Boots.’
A third commented: ‘It sounds more like an illness or a condition rather than a name.’
A fourth penned: ‘All this “I want my child to be yooneeque” stuff is ridiculous.
‘Everyone is different, focus on personality, and stop giving children made up words as names.’
Some people even accused the woman of making up words and warned her that her child would experience people getting her name wrong constantly.

Users responded to the thread and compared her daughter’s potential name to the makeup store, Sephora
One user wrote: ‘I get that people sometimes want an unusual name but there are enough beautiful and underused names out there without making up naff words.
‘It doesn’t even have a pretty sound to it.’
Another penned: ‘Yes, because all children need a name that no-one else can pronounce or spell.
‘Hours of fun for your child, correcting people and spelling it out over the phone for the rest of their life.’
The anonymous woman then responded to her own thread and wrote: ‘I just feel it’s quite unique, never come across anyone with the name Sepora but getting negative vibes here from everyone! I love it though!’
Further into the post she then adds: ‘So many not feeling it here argh but surprised!’

The woman then gave updates on how she felt about the situation, adding that she was ‘surprised’ at the negative reaction

One Mumsnet user told the woman that her child will have her name spelt wrong throughout her life but another said they liked it
However, others were trying to help the pregnant woman and some were even a fan of the unique name.
One person said: ‘I think it’s a lovely name. My name was considered strange when I was young and I wanted to be called Cherie.
‘But then my friend Claire didn’t like her name either but it was very popular (she still doesn’t but I love my name)’
Another suggested: ‘Someone’s already beaten me to it, but how about the biblical name Zipporah instead?’
Read more at DailyMail.co.uk