The world takes on a new meaning when you can view it from over 2,000 ft above.
And in his new solo show – Leaning Out – at the Benrubi Gallery in New York, New York, photographer Jeffrey Milstein highlights several overhead images of ports, train yards, airports and more.
Captured from small planes and helicopters, the intricate symmetries captured in some of the scenes are truly mesmerizing.
His second gallery at the studio, Milstein shows off the ‘geometric mosaics’ that captures scenes from across the country but specifically in Los Angeles, New Jersey and New York.
The photo series highlights how views from the ground can look completely different when taken to the skies.
And with images taken well over 2,000 ft above the ground, many dazzling colors still poke out as pools, taxis and even clouds can be seen in some of the photos.
New York City’s Fifth Avenue pictured shows dazzling blues from pools on top of buildings while little yellow specks show taxis. In his new solo show – Leaning Out – at the Benrubi Gallery in New York, New York, photographer Jeffrey Milstein highlights several overhead images of ports, train yards, airports and more

An overhead shot of the Bayonne Energy Center in New Jersey show a plethora of water towers. Captured from small planes and helicopters, the intricate symmetries captured in some of the scenes are truly mesmerizing

This photo shows the remains of a dock land in Newark Bay. Rusted structures poke out of the water as shrubs and weeds sprout from the cracks of cement

The Hudson Generating Station in Jersey City, New Jersey, shows a ship pulling in next to a large pile of what appears to be dirt. The bright blues from buildings can be seen and compliment the grays that are highlighted in the other structures

Even from above, luggage trains emptying their packages can be seen at the Terminal B at Newark Airport. ‘Geometric mosaics’ like this circle are featured throughout the photos

The photo series highlights how views from the ground can look completely different when taken to the skies. The Coney Island Subway yard features different trains each with their own purpose. There are passenger trains mixed in with garbage and cargo and even some spare parts can be seen sprinkled throughout

His second gallery at the studio, Milstein shows off the ‘geometric mosaics’ that captures scenes from across the country but specifically in Los Angeles – the LA Harbor Freeway is pictured in 2014 – New Jersey and New York

A packed container ship shows the beautiful contrast of the blue green water next to the variety of colors featured on the ship

A container port dazzles with its array of colorful storage units. Light blues, yellows, hues of red and oranges line up on top of each other in the shot

A packed Toyota port in Long Beach, California shows almost complete rows of the same cars with a spare row of green ones and a few sprinkles of red and white ones

Even the clouds make an appearance in the photo series here at Los Angeles’ Manhattan Beach in 2014

Two planes look as if they are waving to each other in this picture at Gatwick airport

This particular section of the Coney Island Subway Yard is packed with trains ready to usher millions of New Yorkers across the city

The Bayview Auto Wreckers at Staten Island, New York, show the remains of cars in a packed lot. Many show some form of wear and tear but still dazzle with color

Tires and wooden scraps stack up on top of each other at Meek’s Marine in an otherwise deserted marine