Inducing pregnant women a week before their due date could reduce risk of birth complications

Offering all pregnant women the chance to induce labour early would cut complications and reduce the number of emergency C-sections, a major trial has found.

It showed that inducing labour at 39 weeks – a week before the due date – was safer than waiting for the pregnancy to run its course.

A trial of 6,100 women in 41 American hospitals revealed that triggering childbirth early cut caesarean sections by 16 per cent, pre-eclampsia and hypertension by 36 per cent, and breathing problems among newborns by 29 per cent.

The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, were described as ‘game changing’ by the researchers.

A trial showed that inducing labour at one week before birth was safer and resulted in fewer complications

They are also likely to fuel the debate about ‘natural childbirth’ in the UK. For years mothers-to-be have been encouraged to resist medical intervention. 

In addition, British doctors are unlikely to want to intervene without an obvious medical reason.

At the moment most NHS hospitals will only induce childbirth when a baby is at least ten days overdue, to give labour a chance to start spontaneously. 

But the US researchers – including experts from Northwestern University in Chicago, the University of Utah and Washington University in St Louis – said all women with a healthy pregnancy should be offered the chance to be induced two and a half weeks earlier than is done in the NHS.

 Lead author Professor William Grobman from Northwestern University said: ‘This new knowledge gives women the autonomy and ability to make more informed choices that better fit with their wishes and beliefs. 

Induction at 39 weeks should not be routine for every woman, but it’s important to talk with their provider and decide if they want to be induced and when.’

About one in four women in the UK currently have their labour induced. However it can be an unpleasant procedure.

The new study shows early intervention is much safer than thought.

Co-author Dr George Macones, of Washington University, added: ‘This study is a potential game changer and will have a significant impact on the practice of obstetrics.

Of course, women without pregnancy complications can choose how they want to experience labour and delivery, and we respect their wishes.’

UK experts last night cautiously welcomed the findings.

Researchers described the findings as ‘game changing’

Researchers described the findings as ‘game changing’