Day-to-day performance in any office environment naturally impacts overall productivity and mood. Not only can the combined feelings and morale of the office impact performance, but individuals’ current moods and goings-on in life contribute to the process as well. Office environments inevitably have fluctuations in productivity and morale, but an extended period of negativity within the office can impact virtually every facet of life.
A variety of little changes and perks in the office can have an outsized impact on performance: from providing occasional unexpected breaks to supplying the best protein bars in between meals, many tiny variables can improve performance. Likewise, major overhauls in office policy can have effects – both positive and negative – on worker morale and productivity.
Many tweaks in the office that improve performance and morale are well-known, but a variety of innovative and new strategies are less known. To help office managers and businesses better improve the performance of their companies, let’s take a look at these ideas for boosting productivity and morale.
Supply Snacks in Between Meals
Being in an office setting for hours each day can have negative effects on health, energy and morale. Being able to inject as many instances as possible that break up this monotony – without disrupting work – is crucial to improving morale and productivity.
Doctors and dietitians tell us that eating small meals and snacks throughout the day (as opposed to eating two or three large meals) better regulates blood sugar and energy levels. In between meals throughout the day, passing out healthy snacks that are high in protein can provide just the boost of energy that workers need to get through the next hour or two. Likewise, small yet consistent rewards like these can have a major effect on worker morale in general.
Incentivize the Elimination of Bad Habits
While it can be fruitful to focus on improving worker performance by adding more positives to the mix, sometimes offices can gain just as much efficiency and productivity by reducing the presence of negative factors. Every worker in the office has their own good and bad characteristics: those that suck away time and cause health issues over the long term can be very detrimental to productivity.
One of the best examples is the act of smoking while at work. Rather than punish those who do so, offices can incorporate an incentive-based program that rewards those who do not take smoke breaks with financial compensation. Likewise, reducing healthcare premiums for workers who make the right decisions can further incentivize these workers to commit to healthier, more efficient ways of living while at work and home alike.
Provide Distractions
During down-time or breaks, providing employees with in-office forms of entertainment can go a long way towards boosting both morale and productivity. Whether it be video games, table tennis or some other form of indoor recreational activity, giving workers the ability to relax, let some steam off or otherwise get away from the hum-drum of work during free time can have a huge impact on personal performance.
Provide Flexible Work Hours
In most workplaces, when we hear about “flexible schedules”, it’s often due to the employers forcing the employees to work whatever random hours are needed. However, this takes a huge toll on morale and productivity; most people want set schedules, and they want to be able to work hours where their energy levels and out-of-work responsibilities can be balanced.
Many office positions do not require a consistent 9-to-5 schedule in order to function properly. Allowing employees to massage their schedules based on when they prefer to work can be a huge boost to productivity. Some people, for example, just aren’t very productive in the morning hours. Others may be able to finish their work and responsibilities more rapidly, not requiring to be in the office for 8-10 hours per day. Offices that can accommodate a reasonable level of flexibility in individual schedules will likely see a boost in overall productivity and worker retention over the long term.
Invest in Quality Equipment
The tools that office employees have to work with often will be a reflection of the output of the work. Slow computers lead to slow work. Sluggish and worn-out desk chairs will lead to sluggish and worn-out workers. Considering that employees must constantly interact with these tools and devices, it shouldn’t be surprising that outdated equipment will lead to sub-par results.
Many office managers understand the value of ergonomic equipment – which cannot be overstated – but fail to consider the age, condition and functionality of other work equipment. From desktop PCs and laptops to industry-specific electronics, ensuring that workers have up-to-date technology and tools will dramatically improve productivity.
There are many changes and improvements office managers can make to ensure better workplace performance and morale. Retaining employees and improving their productivity should be a prime goal of any workspace; the tips above are highly cost-efficient and can deliver huge results for offices both large and small.