Donald Trump’s calls to world leaders revealed in astonishing leak to Watergate’s Bernstein: He and Vladimir Putin are like ‘two guys in a steam bath,’ he trashes Obama AND Bush as ‘don’t know BS,’ and called Angela Merkel ‘stupid’ and Theresa May weak
- Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein spoke with sources about months’ worth of private Trump calls with world leaders
- Putin ‘outplays’ Trump in their private calls, said a source
- Trump brought up his own wealth and recalled Miss Universe Moscow pageant with Russian
- Told Germany’s Angela Merkel she was ‘stupid’
- Characterized his predecessors as ‘imbeciles’ and weaklings’ with Putin
- U.S. officials who saw call transcripts were gobsmacked
- Sources called them ‘abominations’
- Leaked Transcript of call with Ukrainian leader showed Trump seeking an investigation of the Bidens
President Donald Trump’s private calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin sometimes have the tone of ‘two guys in a steam bath,’ according a bombshell account that portrays Trump as bending over backward to win the strongman’s approval.
Putin ‘just outplays’ Trump during their one-on-one interactions, according to a CNN report by legendary Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein. During those calls and others with foreign leaders, Trump regularly tries to tout his own wealth and success, according to the report.
At the same time, with Putin he routinely characterizes his predecessors as ‘imbeciles’ and weaklings.’
President Donald Trump characterized his predecessors as ‘imbeciles’ and weaklings’ during private calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a new report by Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein
The revelations about the calls are contained in a deeply sourced – though thinly quoted – account by legendary Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein. Trump won office in 2016 despite media criticism of his repeated praise for Putin, even as Russia was revealed by U.S. intelligence to be orchestrating an election interference and hacking campaign.
They are part of a web of Trump calls during his presidency that officials who see call transcripts describe as ‘abominations.’
In addition to repeatedly building up his own wealth, as he has done repeatedly in public, Trump would revel in his time running the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, according to the account.
Trump had touted a meeting with Putin at the event, although it evidently never happened. A sourced trashed the calls, saying that while Putin destabilizes the West, Trump “sits there and thinks he can build himself up enough as a businessman and tough guy that Putin will respect him.’

Trump has regularly defended his desire to forge strong relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is subject to U.S. sanctions

A source called Trump’s calls ‘abominations’

Trump reportedly told Germany’s Angela Merkel she

Trump had regular calls with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

A source said there was ‘just no filter’ during Trump’s conversations with former British prime minister Theresa May
The report came out Monday, days after the New York Times reported that Trump wa briefed on intelligence that Moscow had paid a bounty to Taliban elements for killings of American soldiers. The White House on Monday denied Trump was briefed about the reported program.
Trump was described as solicitous of Putin in the calls. Putin is known as a crafty former KGB operator who often holds back in televised encounters with counterparts.
Two sources said Trump seems ‘delusional’ on his foreign leader calls, which included frequent contact with Turkey’s dictator Recep Erdogan.
Trump would go after his U.S. predecessors in the calls. ‘They didn’t know BS,’ Trump said of nemesis Barack Obama and George W. Bush.
His calls included frequent derisive comments directly to prominent female national leaders – including German Chancelor Angela Merkel, who has topped the Forbes list of the world’s most powerful woman.
“Some of the things he said to Angela Merkel are just unbelievable: he called her ‘stupid,’ and accused her of being in the pocket of the Russians,’ according to a source.
Trump has repeatedly gone after Merkel publicly over a planned Nord Stream pipeline to pump gas from Russia to Germany.
The calls with Merkel were deemed so unusual that German officials kept them within a tight group. ‘It’s just a small circle of people who are involved and the reason, the main reason, is that they are indeed problematic,’ a source told Bernstein.
Former chief of staff John Kelly has called the calls damaging to national security in private conversations, according to the report.
Trump’s conversations with former British Prime Minister Theresa May were described as ‘humiliating and bullying.’