Internet divided over whether this outfit is workplace appropriate

A heated debate has been waged on social media over whether or not thigh-high boots with a mini skirt is ‘appropriate’ workplace attire for a woman. 

Recently New Zealand-based radio show hosts Stace and Flynny posted a photo to Facebook alongside a caption that read: ‘Do you think this outfit is appropriate for a workplace?’

Given there’s a lot of flexibility regarding workplace dress codes, those weighing in had a range of opinions.

Do you think this outfit is appropriate for the workplace? This question was posted alongside an image showing a woman wearing long boots and a mini skirt (pictured)

Commenters took to social media (comments pictured) to weigh in on the debate about whether the outfit was inappropriate for a workplace 

Commenters took to social media (comments pictured) to weigh in on the debate about whether the outfit was inappropriate for a workplace 

People commenting on Facebook (comments pictured) offered a range of opinions on the subject workplace dress codes 

People commenting on Facebook (comments pictured) offered a range of opinions on the subject workplace dress codes 

Kicking off the debate was a woman who put forward the question that if men are not given a dress code at work, why should women’s clothes be policed?

‘As long as all are presentable in their roles there is no problem. If the only problem is what a person is wearing, then what is there to complain about?’ she wrote.

In response, another said: ‘Pretty much what I’m wearing today, so yes agreed… but with ankle boots … depends on workplace.’

A third  noted she’d recently had a similar experience, writing: ‘Oh my goodness. I have just had something like this happen to me!’

While another wrote: ‘Sure if you feel good (might be a problem if you have to stretch or lift things). This was the norm in the 70s.’

'As long as all are presentable in their roles there is no problem,' one commenter wrote

‘As long as all are presentable in their roles there is no problem,’ one commenter wrote

Those who didn’t agree were quick to point out the outfit left little to the imagination and was therefore not workplace appropriate.


Do YOU think this outfit is appropriate for the workplace?

  • Yes 709 votes
  • No 1379 votes

‘Looks a little Pretty Woman to me,’ said one woman.

While another added: ‘Yes if u r prepared for Google (sic) eyes.’ 

Although there was plenty of heated debate, some offered a more balanced take on the situation.

One commenter thought the outfit may be acceptable in some work environments and not in others.

‘It’s only really the connotation of it that would be an issue which it shouldn’t be,’ they said. 

At the time of writing, those who thought the outfit was unsuitable outweighed those who thought it acceptable by just the smallest of margins.

Those who didn't agree (comments pictured) were quick to point out the outfit left little to the imagination and was therefore not workplace appropriate

Those who didn’t agree (comments pictured) were quick to point out the outfit left little to the imagination and was therefore not workplace appropriate

Stylist Laura King, speaking to Daily Mail Australia previously, offered her interpretation of just what the term ‘smart casual’ entails.

‘The most problematic of dress codes. We believe this should be renamed smarter rather than casual. Always dress on the smarter side and avoid soccer and footy tops and t-shirts with big logos,’ Laura explained.

‘For women, denim is fine as long as you avoid the distressed look. If opting for a plain tee, throw on a blazer to ensure you tick the smart box as well as the casual.

‘Sportsluxe is not smart casual and should be kept for casual Fridays and the weekend,’ she added.