An Irish mother has broken down after learning her sick three-year-old son will be allowed to stay in Australia.
Christine Hyde said she was crying ‘happy tears’ after she received the call that the family’s application for permanent residency had been approved on Friday.
‘I couldn’t believe it. We had to ring again just to double check,’ she told 7News.
Christine and her partner Anthony left Ireland in 2009. They arrived in Australia and had their son Darragh, three, before they settled in Seymour, Victoria.
The family initially had their application for permanent residency rejected in 2015 after their son was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and his treatment was assessed as too burdensome on the taxpayer.
An Irish mother has broken down in tears after learning her sick three-year-old son will be allowed to stay in Australia (pictured, Anthony, Darragh and Christine Hyde)

Christine Hyde said she was crying ‘happy tears’ after she received the call that the family’s application for permanent residency had been approved on Friday (pictured, Christine Hyde embraced her son Darragh)
The couple appealed the decision and their case was heard by the Administrative Review Tribunal in May. The tribunal found that their case met the criteria for a ministerial intervention.
They set up a petition, which has more than 120,000 signatures, in a bid to stay in the country they consider home.
The family promptly updated the page to celebrate the good news that they had been accepted to stay in Australia.
Mr Hyde said he was overwhelmed at the support directed to the family.
‘The 120,000 signatures didn’t just from Seymour or Victoria. It’s come from Australia wide.’
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia the day after she was told of the news, Ms Hyde said ‘it’s still sinking in’.
‘It’s just a relief and a weight has been lifted off,’ she said.
Ms Hyde said she received a call from the lawyer on Friday about 5pm with ‘good news’.
Her husband was at work at the time and Ms Hyde couldn’t wait any longer for the update.
The lawyer said the family had been granted permanent residency and Ms Hyde ‘lost it’ and quickly got her husband home from work so they could celebrate.

Darragh (as a baby) was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis

The family promptly updated the page to celebrate the good news that they had been accepted to stay in Australia

Anthony and Christine Hyde moved from Dublin in 2009 and are living in a small town of Seymour, Victoria, with their son
‘I remember he left an emergency contact for me on the fridge if I ever needed it and I’m ringing his boss going ”I need to get Tony home ASAP”,’ she said.
‘We’ve been on a high since.’
The Hyde family have been contacting their family and friends to tell them their struggles over the last few years had all been ‘worth it’.
‘We just don’t even know what to do now,’ Ms Hyde joked.
‘Four years of our life has been this, now we’re starting a new chapter without it which is exciting.’
Ms Hyde extended her gratitude to the Australian public who supported their bid for permanent residency.
‘We’re so grateful [for the public support], without them this just would not have happened,’ she said.
‘I’m a firm believer in people power… because we’re just two ordinary people, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without them.
‘It’s just amazing… I can’t actually believe I’m sharing this good news.’

They faced being deported because their son was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and treatment could cost taxpayer money

Darragh was born in Australia in August 2015 and it’s the only home he knows
The family had been told a couple of weeks ago the minister was looking into their case.
‘Once we knew the minister was looking into our case, a couple of weeks ago, I think that was a bit of a lift in itself,’ Ms Hyde said.
‘All we ever wanted was the minister to give us a fair go just by even considering our case.
‘To get that yesterday was totally out of the blue, very unexpected but very welcome.’
Mr Hyde is a part-time bus driver while Ms Hyde is an assistant principal at the local primary school.
The petition previously said: ‘We are a happy and settled family living in Seymour, Victoria. Our son Darragh was born in Australia on 18 August 2015’.
‘Australia is the only home our son knows.’
‘Please sign and help us ask the Minister to let our son stay in Australia’.
The petition also said Darragh was doing ‘extremely well’ despite his condition, with letters from doctors and specialists stating he should live a full life.

Meanwhile more than 30 criminals ranging from a wife murderer and sex offenders to armed robbers and drug traffickers have been allowed to stay in Australia, despite having their visas cancelled
It emerged in May that more than 30 criminals ranging from a wife murderer and sex offenders to armed robbers and drug traffickers have been allowed to stay in Australia, despite having their visas cancelled.
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) overturned 34 decisions made by delegates for the Home Affairs and Immigration ministers involving serious offenders.
Among those given the green light, are Kenyan-born killer Paul Jason Margach, who was jailed after he repeatedly stabbed his wife Tina in front of one of their young children at their Melbourne home in 2004.
Convicted African-born sex offender Malipo Muyobe also had his visa cancellation overruled, as did an unnamed Chinese triad organised crime gang member jailed for 13 years for trafficking a commercial quality of ecstasy and possession of ice.
Mauritian stalker Jean Marie Amoorthum, who was convicted of stalking and threatening a young female with a knife, also had his cancellation overturned.
Statistics from AAT’s latest annual report show that the tribunal only affirmed 35 per cent, or 4,432, of the migration visa decisions made by ministerial delegates in 2017-18.
The latest cases are on top of 164 criminals saved from deportation by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal between 2010 and 2018.
Out of the previous cases, eight were convicted of murder, 23 were found guilty of armed robbery, 33 were drug dealers, 17 were rapists and eight were convicted of murder.

Over the last 10 months, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (pictured) has overturned 34 decisions made by delegates for the Home Affairs and Immigration ministers involving serious offenders