Is Marriage Counseling Right For You?

Marriage counseling is for those who are struggling with their marriage or just want to improve it. It is great at keeping your relationship healthy.

When someone gets married they may think of marriage as a gift box filled with laughter, love, and partnership. But in reality marriage is like an empty box and you have to fill it with love and everything else and these things take a lot of work. Sometimes you may feel frustrated or angry or lonely and sometimes you may need some help to work on your marriage. Marriage counseling can help you and your partner in numerous ways.

What is Marriage Counseling:

  • There is a lot of misconception about marriage counseling. Some people think that you only need counseling when your marriage is falling apart which is not true. Like any other counseling, marriage counseling is supposed to help you during your good times and bad times. Maybe you and your partner have a great bond but both of you are bad at communicating. Marriage counseling can help you with that.
  • Marriage counseling is great but it also has its limits. There are some things that even a good marriage counselor cannot fix. Infidelity, abuse or any kind of crime cannot be forgiven. So, before going to a marriage counselor you have to think if your marriage is worth saving.
  • There are different kinds of marriage counseling. Depending on your problem the counselor will give you different tasks to perform. Also, you may not connect with your first marriage counselor. If that happens do not worry and tell your counselor right away. They will help you find a more suitable counselor. A lot of people are ashamed because they are seeing a marriage counselor. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Seeing a marriage counselor means that you are working on your marriage. It means that you still care about your partner.

When Is The Best Time For Marriage Counseling: Everyone is different and everyone’s marriage is different. So, only you can decide, what is the best time for you to start marriage counseling but we can offer some assistance.

  1. Change in Your Relationship: Maybe you have been married for years and you can sense some change in your relationship. You want the old spark back and that is why you want to go see a marriage counselor. After you get married the honeymoon phase might be great but as soon as you have kids or any other major responsibility, it can be easy to take your love for granted. But both you and your partner need to work on your relationship to keep your marriage strong. If you have trouble keeping your relationship your first priority then you should see a marriage counselor.
  2. Major Trouble in Your Relationship: Maybe it is not a small thing maybe something major happened in your relationship and you don’t know how to handle it. Human beings are unpredictable. Anything can happen in a relationship- infidelity, money problem, the death of a child. When something horrible happens you will naturally want your partner’s support. If they do not support you during your crucial time or if they are the reason for your heartbreak then you might need some professional help. More complicated your problem is it will take more time to handle it. So, don’t get disheartened.
  3. To Improve Your Relationship: When you marry someone you plan to spend the rest of your life with them. But there can be many hurdles in a couple’s life, some you can handle by yourself others you may need some help. Over the course of the years, a person can change. If you do not change with your partner or if both of you change in completely different direction then your married life can get complicated. To make sure that they are on the same page a lot of married couples go to marriage counselors even if they don’t have any problem. Marriage counseling shouldn’t be your last hope. You can take care of your relationship from the very beginning. That doesn’t mean that you should go to the marriage counselors office from the day you get married. You and your partner should figure that on your own.
  4. When You Need Some Advice: A lot of people are hesitant about including an outsider on their personal matter. It is completely understandable. Young couples usually ask their older relatives about their marital problems. But not every couple has positive guidance to learn from. Some of us have never seen a positive relationship growing up. In this case, people need extra guidance and love to start their married life. A marriage counselor can help with that. They can not only give you guidance but also can change your perspective of marriage in a positive way.
  5. Help You With Trust Issues: To have a healthy marriage you have to trust your partner. But a lot of people have traumas, baggage and other things that are holding them back from completely enjoying their life. These things can take a negative toll on their partners and create misunderstandings. A simple thing can harm a relationship in a major way. So, if you think that the distance between you and your partner is increasing day by day then you need to seek professional help. Remember a marriage counselor can only guide you, you and your partner have to solve your own problems. The best way to keep a marriage alive is to be transparent with your partner and work on your problems together.

Conclusion: Today a modern couple faces a lot of problems. To solve them they might need some outside help. There is no shame in that. Nobody should just give up on their marriage if some problem arises. As years go by and responsibilities continue to wear you down it becomes harder and harder to find time for romance. A marriage can suffer greatly because of that. So, if you need some extra help to keep your love life alive a marriage counselor might be perfect for you and your partner.