An Islamic school has been slammed by Ofsted after inspectors found that children had to ask for toilet paper and washed their cutlery in bathroom sinks.
The watchdog also found books by an author banned from the UK during a visit to The Olive Tree Primary School in Luton, which has nearly 80 pupils aged 5 and 11.
An inspection six months earlier found that the school had inappropriate books that did not promote British values.
Despite the school saying the books had been removed, the inspectors found them still on the shelves.
The watchdog found books by an author banned from the UK during a visit to The Olive Tree Primary School in Luton (pictured), which has nearly 80 pupils aged 5 and 11
The report said: ‘In May 2017, some inappropriate books were found in the school’s library that did not promote British values.
‘Although leaders stated they had removed them, inspectors found the same books during the inspection.
‘These books were written by an author who is banned from entering, or has been expelled from several countries, including Britain.
‘The books were found surrounded by others that are written by suitable authors of children’s books.

An inspection six months earlier found that the school (pictured) had inappropriate books that did not promote British values
‘Leaders have not ensured that the risk posed by the texts is mitigated and, as a result, some unsuitable books remain available for pupils.’
The report also raised concerns about health and safety standards. It read: ‘Pupils bring their own food to school because there is no facility to provide food.
‘Pupils wash their cutlery in the toilet basins where only tepid water is available.
‘Pupils do not have the necessary resources to be hygienic when using the toilets.
‘Boys do not have toilet tissue, soap or hand-drying facilities available in the toilets. They have to ask an adult in class for toilet tissue.
‘Girls have discarded food out of their toilet windows and the debris is rotting in the security bars.’