Jail scheme allows prisoners to get toastie-makers at Lowdham Grange

Prisoners who behave themselves could be given toastie-makers, televisions and even trainers in a new jail scheme which aims to aid rehabilitation.

Prisoners at the Lowdham Grange in Nottinghamshire have set out their own reward system in which they get points for good behaviour to put towards the luxury items.

The system is being run in addition to a new government scheme which rewards inmates who do not cause trouble by giving them a better cell, allowing them to Skype their families, granting them the right to shower in private and giving them more regular phone calls and visits.

Prisoners at the Lowdham Grange in Nottinghamshire have set out their own reward system in which they get points for good behaviour to put towards the luxury items

The new scheme at Lowdham Grange was suggested by the prisoners’ council at the jail, which has 920 inmates serving sentences of more than four years, including 160 lifers, reports The Times. 

Bosses say the scheme, which began in April, has already boosted attendance in workshops, classrooms and employment, as these can earn ‘points’. 

Prisoners then have the chance to put the extra points towards clothing or more phone calls to their families.

Two of the most popular rewards are an ‘enhanced visit’ where a prisoner is allowed to have a photo taken with his family, and the chance to buy a toasted sandwich maker for their cell.

However, an inmate’s request to buy a juicer was denied over fears that it could be used to make illicit alcohol or the blades used for violence.

Justice secretary David Gauke, pictured, will use a 'carrot and stick' approach to improve behaviour inside British jails by rewarding inmates who obey prison rules

Justice secretary David Gauke, pictured, will use a ‘carrot and stick’ approach to improve behaviour inside British jails by rewarding inmates who obey prison rules

Mark Hanson, director of the jail, run by Serco, said the scheme aims to encourage more inmates to attend work and education, remain drug-free and complete detox and sex offender treatment programmes.

Mr Hanson told The Times: ‘They wanted to be involved in designing the scheme, they came up with ideas for the rewards and created and printed posters advertising it which were put up around the jail.’

Several of Serco’s other prisons are now expected to roll the scheme out.  

Meanwhile under the new government scheme, announced over the weekend, prison governors will be handed the power to draw up their own rewards regime to respond to conditions in their jails.

But Justice Secretary David Gauke insists the ‘carrot and stick’ approach will stay in place, and tough punishments will remain for errant lags. 

Well-behaved prisoners could also get more access to the prison gym or kitchen, more time out of cells and better access to training.

New inmates will not automatically be put on the toughest regime, and will be allowed to wear their own clothes instead of uniforms.

But the ban on pay TV will stay in place, and Mr Gauke insists those stepping out of line will face immediate punishment.

Prisoners who break the rules will be returned to ‘the most basic living conditions’, officials said. This means prison-issue clothing, no access to a TV and only two family visits a month – the statutory minimum.

They will only be able to spend £4 per week in the prison shop. 

Mr Gauke said: ‘We know that prisoners, like most everyone else, respond positively to rewards for good behaviour and they are less likely to follow the rules if the system seems to be unfair.

Well behaved prisoners might be allowed to skype their family and wear their own clothes

Well behaved prisoners might be allowed to skype their family and wear their own clothes

‘I am announcing a new framework that will give governors the tools to instil in their prisons a fair and flexible system of incentives and rewards that are all aimed at rehabilitating offenders.

‘This marks a step change in how we get offenders to comply with prison rules and improve themselves, but we are clear that this is a reward and will not become an entitlement.

‘There is no carrot without the stick, and prisoners who break the rules will not only lose privileges but also face swifter punishment through our new adjudications process. The prize here is rehabilitation.’

The move tears up the ‘back to basics’ regime put in place by Mr Gauke’s predecessor Chris Grayling four years ago.

Since then violence in jails has escalated, and governors fear that the hot summer could see rising levels of violence.

Currently there are four levels of privilege: basic, entry, standard and enhanced.

New prisoners are placed on ‘entry’ level, typically allowing them two visits each month, access to a TV and to spend £10 per week of private cash but not to wear their own clothes.

After two weeks, if they are behaving well, inmates can progress to ‘standard’.

Under Mr Gauke’s plan, the entry level will be abolished for new inmates, which governors say penalises them and can damage relationships with prison officers.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk