JANA HOCKING: The raunchiest celebrity sex story I know and the star who is an expert in the sack

I’m going to say something wildly unpopular but true: sex with a celebrity hits different.

I’m sorry, but it does. There’s the rush of adrenaline from sex in general, then add to the mix someone with a bit of star power and you’ve got yourself an experience.

Now, full disclaimer: I didn’t say it was a rock-your-socks-off experience, in fact, like normal sex, it can be quite hit and miss. But an experience, nevertheless.

It’s why people flock to my Instagram each Monday night to share their own ‘I had sex with a celebrity’ experiences when I run my ‘tell me a saucy secret’ confessional.

I’ve had confessions of sexy jaunts with international rock stars, cheeky illegal substance-induced antics with movie stars, affairs with local soap-actors. 

Yes, just like us regular folk, celebrities have a very naughty side they like to keep under wraps.

‘I’ve had confessions of sexy jaunts with international rock stars, cheeky illegal substance-induced antics with movie stars, affairs with local soap-actors,’ revealed Jana Hocking

And if you get the right mix of dinner party guests together, you will discover that many people have a story about a romp they’ve had with someone who has had at least 15 minutes of fame – especially now we’ve got reality contestants popping up all over the place!


Have you ever had sex with a celebrity?

  • Yes – it was mind-blowing 0 votes
  • Yes – it wasn’t that great 0 votes
  • No – but I wish 0 votes

A lady never tells, so I shan’t be naming names here, but I’ve had very good sex with a visiting sports star and very bad sex with a local TV host. 

Don’t get me wrong, I certainly wouldn’t classify myself as a ‘star f**ker’. Good lord, my first boyfriend was a police officer, my second boyfriend was a farmer, and my third was in finance. 

So, I’m not hanging backstage at gigs hoping to nab myself a rockstar, but working in the industry I do, I get to meet lots of interesting entertainment peeps.

As long as it’s not someone I’m working with in a professional sense, I think if a ridiculously fit guy who happens to play for a well-known sporting team chooses to make eyes at me, then why the heck not? I want some juicy stories to look back on fondly when I’m old and grey.

The only strict rule that should always be in force is condoms. Always. You want a memory, not an itchy reminder.

Jana hosts a weekly 'Saucy Secret' Instagram story every Monday where people confess some of their raunchiest secrets to her

She's uncovered dalliances between Australian sports stars, 90s rock stars, prominent television hosts, and more

Jana hosts a weekly ‘Saucy Secret’ Instagram story every Monday where people confess some of their raunchiest secrets to her

So, when Monday rolls along I get ridiculously excited every time a Saucy Secret pings into my inbox – because I just know they are going to be good.

There’s the cheeky lad who confessed: ‘I had a three year secret relationship with [insert very popular Australian sports star here] and I’m a gay boy. We are still good friends, still one of the best in bed. He is married and has kids now.’

And can I just say, this happens way more than you would think. 

The footy circles are rife with stories of poor players stuck in the closet. You just want to wave a magic wand and create a safe space where they can come out and proud.

Then there’s the sexy seductor who revealed they ‘attended a very small private group/swingers party in Sydney and came across a well known TV personality (male) who swung both ways.’

Um . . . doesn’t everybody these days?

Or, the vixen who was asked a kinky request by a visiting pop star, saying: ‘I hooked up with [insert pop star name here] at an Emmy’s after party and he whispered in my ear ‘drop your pants and let me see your butt hole’ – it was a no from me. Ew.’

There was a naughty lad who slept with a very well known 90s rock star’s girlfriend. Stating, ‘I once f***ed [insert rock stars name here] girlfriend in Cairns. He flew into Australia the next day and she then went to stay with him in Port Douglas. She was a penthouse pet.’

'The footy circles are rife with stories of poor players stuck in the closet. You just want to wave a magic wand and create a safe space where they can come out and proud,' revealed Jana

‘The footy circles are rife with stories of poor players stuck in the closet. You just want to wave a magic wand and create a safe space where they can come out and proud,’ revealed Jana

So, what is our fascination with sexy celebrity romps? 

Take for example, Gwyneth Paltrow recently breaking the internet with her saucy confession about sleeping with both Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt.

We all leaned in as Call her Daddy podcast host Alexandra Cooper asked her which out of the two was a better lover. 

Unfortunately, her answer was rather snore, saying: ‘That is really hard because Brad was like the sort of major chemistry, love of your life, kind of hook-up, and then Ben was, like, technically excellent.’

What. Does. That. Mean?

No Gwyneth, tell us which one of them had you screaming from the rafters. Which one had you bent up like a pretzel? That’s what I want to know!

I think the real lesson we learnt here is we will never not be interested in celebrity bedroom stories. 

So please keep sending them my way. Just make sure you don’t miss any of the juicy details out. Sharing is caring after all.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk