He’s not known for being a mechanical genius, or getting his hands dirty.
But Jeremy Clarkson seemingly came to the rescue of Made in Chelsea’s Binky Felstead in London on Thursday.
With a camera crew documenting the attempt, confident looking Jeremy set about trying to change a wheel on the TV socialite’s Volkswagen Golf GT.
‘It took quite a while. He was at it for almost 15 minutes’, a source told MailOnline.
The Grant Tour presenter was spotted outside celebrity haunt The Chiltern Firehouse in London with Made in Chelsea’s Binky Felstead

Binky helped out the petrolhead presenter by jacking her VW Golf outside celebrity haunt The Chiltern Firehouse

‘There’s your problem!’: The former Top Gear presenter got his hands dirty in a bid to help the TV socialite

Clarkson appeared at east as he and Bink set about replacing her flat tyre after they emerged from the Chiltern Firehouse

He’s more prone to getting behind the wheel, but Jeremy Clarkson got his hands dirty on Thursday as he attempted to replace the Binky’s tyre

The TV socialite appeared to have suffered a flat tyre in her Volkswagen Gold, prompting Clarkson to leap to her rescue

A source told MailOnline that the presenter spent a good 15 minutes trying to change the tyre, while Binky did her best to help out

Confident Jeremy appeared to know exactly what he was doing as he opened Binky’s boot and rummaged around for the spare tyre

Binky helped out herself and got down and assisted Jeremy by turning fixing the new tyre to her car

The former Top Gear presenter appeared confident as he fetched tools to replace Binky’s flat tyre

Despite getting ‘flustered’ at points during the repair attempt, the pair appeared to be laughing with one another

Handyman Clarkson appeared to be a natural and set about jacking the car up so he could show Binky how to change her tyre

Jeremy returned from the boot of Binky’s Volkswagen Golf with a jack

Binky was clearly eager to learn and was pictured handling a wrench as she tried helping out to fix her car

The TV personality appeared fascinated by the process as Clarkson showed her how it was done

The pair eventually fetched a towel to kneel on and make the job of replacing Binky’s tyre more comfortable

Jeremy took a moment to explain the basics of changing a car tyre after raising the Golf using a jack

Crowds can be seen in the background looking bemused as Clarkson set about replacing the tyre

Clarkson removes the wheel nuts one by one as Binky gets a crash course in car maintenance

Clarkson deals with the weighty spare tyre while Binky gets round to attaching the new one herself
‘She was doing her best to assist. I think she presumed that Jeremy would be able to do it.
‘They were getting quite flustered at one point.
‘She had to get down on her knees and do slightly more work than she though!’
After Clarkson had finished, he stood up and strolled away from the Golf, proclaiming ‘that’s how you change a car tyre!’

A piece of cake! Clarkson looked relaxed as Binky seemed to take over the tyre replacement

Leaning on the new Volkswagen Golf, the Grand Tour presenter watched on as Bink demonstrated her mechanical skills

While Jeremy was removing the wheel, Bink seemed distracted when she began inspecting her makeup in the wing mirror

He makes it look so easy! Jeremy, who took over hosting Who Wants to be Millionaire to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary, seemed to make the task at hand look like second nature

Astonished bystanders recorded Clarkson carrying out his good deed outside the A-list haunt in London on Thursday

Clarkson quickly deduced that the Made in Chelsea star’s Volkswagen Golf had a flat tyre

Jeremy inspected the other side of the car just to make sure both front wheel hadn’t suffered a puncture

Passersby whipped out the mobile phones to record the former Top Gear presnter help Binkey get back on the road

Inspecting Binky’s golf, the Grand Tour present decided to lend Binky a hand and help her replace the flat tyre

A camera crew weren’t far behind the pair and recorded every second of the duo’s attempt at replacing the tyre

Binky grappled with the spare tyre while Clarkson inspected underneath the new Volkswagen Golf

Binky’s Golf was parked on double yellow lines, so it was imperative that she get her tyre replaces as soon as possible

Jeremy’s attempt to fix the tyre lasted around 15 minutes while and Binky appeared to lose interest after a while

The Made in Chelsea Star watched on while Jeremy was busy trying to replace the tyre

Binky points at the car and and chats with Clarkson as the presenter tries to help get her back on the road

Binky appeared intrigued by Jeremy’s handywork and was watching carefully as he raised the car

Once he had finished his handywork, the Grand Tour presenter declared ‘that’s how you change a car tyre!’

The pair had emerged from the Chiltern Firehouse, a favourite haunt of A-list celebrities and high society

The source also told MailOnline Jeremy and Binky became somewhat ‘flustered’ during the attempt

The pair laughed with one another as they set about getting Binky’s Volkswagen Golf back on the road

Busy London traffic passed the pair as they tried fixing the car tyre. A source told MailOnline they appeared ‘flustered’ at times but they appeared to remain in good spirits

Clarkson and Binky appeared to be being filmed for an unknown programme as camera crews followed them about

Despite his very best efforts, Clarkson was said to have unwittingly botched the job and bystander intervened to properly fix the trye

The source said: ‘She was doing her best to assist. I think she presumed that Jeremy would be able to do it. They were getting quite flustered at one point’

After Clarkson had finished, he stood up and strolled away from the Golf, proclaiming ‘that’s how you change a car tyre!’

Jacking it up: Binky gave a helping hand to the Gran Tour motorist as he did his best to change her

It comes after the petrolhead was appointed to question master for one week of episodes to celebrate Who Wants to be a Millionaire’s twentieth anniversary

The pair hopped back into the car and drove off from the A-list haunt in London on Thursday
However, the Grand Tour presenter had somehow managed to botch the quick fix — and a bystander leapt to properly change the tyre.
The pair had been filming for an unknown programme or promotion outside A-list haunt the Chiltern Firehouse.
It comes after the petrolhead was appointed to question master for one week of episodes to celebrate Who Wants to be a Millionaire’s twentieth anniversary.
He revealed his girlfriend Lisa Hogan, 46, had told him to stop being ‘horrible’ to contestants on the show.