Jeremy Vine slams foul-mouthed van driver for making a left turn while presenter was in cycle lane

Jeremy Vine slams foul-mouthed van driver for making a left turn while the presenter was using the cycle lane beside him… so who do you think is in the right?

Another foul-mouthed driver has told Jeremy Vine to ‘f*** off’ while the presenter was cycling through London.

Earlier this week the BBC Radio 2 presenter, 58, was told to ‘f*** off’ by another van driver when Vine protested at their driving.

Today, he shared another video of him cycling, this time in a cycle lane as he approached a truck that was indicating to turn left.   

Vine’s own video appears to suggest the van has the right of way because it is ahead of his bike.

He said: ‘In London you can only turn across another road user if you have a chance of killing them.’

BBC presenter Jeremy Vine, 58, has posted the moment he got into an argument with a foul-mouthed van driver in central London

The van was seen indicating left before turning into the bike lane that Vine was cycling in

The van was seen indicating left before turning into the bike lane that Vine was cycling in

The driver told Vine to 'f*** off' twice while the BBC Radio 2 host called the motorist a 'twit'

The driver told Vine to ‘f*** off’ twice while the BBC Radio 2 host called the motorist a ‘twit’

Vine took one hand from his handlebars and gestured at the driver, who slowed down to let Vine pass on the inside

Vine took one hand from his handlebars and gestured at the driver, who slowed down to let Vine pass on the inside

Vine, dressed in dark trousers, a grey jacket and a fluorescent helmet and gloves, showed the moment he continued to cycle into the path of the turning van as the BBC presenter hooted his horn three times.

The enraged driver shouted at Vine out of his window, asking: ‘What are you doing?’

Vine turned around and gestured towards the driver while he carried on cycling, telling him: ‘This is a cycle lane.’

The driver replied: ‘F*** off, f*** off.’

As he cycled away, Vine shouted back again: ‘It’s a cycle lane you twit.’

Earlier this week, Vine was told to 'f*** off' by a van driver after they had a near miss with another cyclist (pictured)

Earlier this week, Vine was told to ‘f*** off’ by a van driver after they had a near miss with another cyclist (pictured)

At the end of the video that he posted to social media, Vine asked: ‘Would he do this if I was a bus? I don’t think so.’

He added: ‘This incompetent, ragey driver will kill someone — but it won’t be me.’

The clip left viewers split as to who was in the right.

One Twitter user said: ‘Aren’t you meant to slow down at the pelican crossing? The vehicle clearly indicated and you can slow and stop much easier on the bike. 

‘You never seem to slow down.’

Another added: ‘Instead of slowing down as you can clearly see him starting to turn you decide to toot your little air horn and carry on riding a game of chicken with a lorry…..then post it online. What a hero.’

Jeremy Vine regularly tweets about incidents on London's roads involving himself or other cyclists. Above, Vine on his £2,700 Electric Brompton bicycle in London in March 2019

Jeremy Vine regularly tweets about incidents on London’s roads involving himself or other cyclists. Above, Vine on his £2,700 Electric Brompton bicycle in London in March 2019

Yet others thought Vine was in the right.

One social media user said: ‘They should stop to allow the cyclist in lane to their left to get past first. 

‘Indicator shows intent to turn, it’s not a beg signal and doesn’t give them the right to turn if the lane isn’t clear. Onus on larger vehicle to look after smaller one too — hierarchy of road users.’ 

A second said: ‘You have priority. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t understand the [Highway Code].’ 
