Like every other culture in the world, the Jews developed art as they attained a certain level of civilization. This is reflected in the archaeology that has been done in Israel and other places that the Jewish people went to. Whether it is Jewish metal wall art or paintings, the world can see how religion and people developed. Art collectors and historians have collected the artwork through the centuries, which has allowed ordinary people to see just how the art has evolved over the centuries. People can go to many museums all over the world or buy many examples of this art.
Illuminated Manuscripts
One of the more amazing styles of art through the centuries have been illuminated manuscripts. Before the 1440 invention of the printing press, books had to be copied by hand. Many of the books that had artwork were copied exactly. The people doing this work had to be able to be just as artistic as those who created the books. Most of these in ancient Israel was via what was known as the Haggadah. This is a manuscript that gives the order of the Passover seder. Such work took time to do but allowed the priests to have some expression of faith in their work.
Floor Mosaics
Floor mosaics are more known in Roman culture, but the Jewish people had them, as well. Most historians believe that the idea for them was a borrowed idea from the Romans. Most of these mosaics were in the synagogues. Most people saw a rise in the art form within the Byzantine synagogues. The one in Sepphoris is known to be a fusion of Jewish and pagan beliefs. The god Helios is in the centre, with the months of the Jewish calendar represented around him. The Beth Alpha synagogue has purely Jewish references. The Holy Ark is represented, along with scenes of Issac.
The Jewish culture was just like the cultures that they came into contact with when it came to sculptures. Many of the art forms were talked about throughout the historical references of the original iteration of the Israeli nation. The Temple was well known to have two at the opening. There are smaller versions in museums. There are also some, illicit or not, that have made it into personal collections. This is also something that can be found in the more modern market, as well. People love statues. Artists of the Jewish faith are making more and people are buying them.
Wall Art
The Jewish metal wall art and paintings have been around since the times of ancient Israel. The Roman era brought a twist, with the art going into wall frescoes. Many chances to see old art can be found, but the modern era has just as many examples. The art has everything from religious iconography to everyday trials. There are many examples of the purges and attacks on the Hebrew people, plus many of their celebrations. Whether the medium is metal or paint, the work is varied and well known. People want to have these pieces for their home. Everything is wide open for people in the open market.
Funerary Works
One of the types of art that may seem macabre is funerary art. The sepulchers and the caskets had many expressions of faith and personal commemoration. While this may not be seen anywhere but at archaeological sites and museums, people have discussed the examples at length in many ways. While modern evolution has left itself to just what is put on tombstones, modern people have done some of this. The art is known and shows the culture as it grew. Studying culture and history will be enhanced by this art.
The Bezalel School
In 1906, Boris Schatz left Bulgaria and moved to what would become modern Israel. He wanted to create a school of art for his people in their historic homeland. This became known as the Bezalel School. It incorporated many different ways into something that became uniquely Jewish. That was the path that Schatz was able to give for the Jewish people who had long suffered in other countries. The works created are in high demand by many, especially because of how eclectic it is. While the original school was closed by Schatz, it reopened years later to a new way.
The art of the Jewish people has been around since before even the Roman empire. Many people want to understand the history and the world. Jewish art is one of those ways. It has changed over the centuries, but it is still the work of the Hebrew people. While there are not the wall frescoes and funerary pieces, there are pieces for the wall and the museum around. That shows resilience.