Joe Rogan calls Donald Trump a ‘man baby’ and claims he was on ADDERALL

Comedian Joe Rogan speculated that former president Donald Trump boosted his attention span and his energy level with Adderall, called him a ‘man baby’ for his inability to handle bad news.

During last Thursday’s interview with fellow comic Tom Segura on The Joe Rogan Experience, the two marveled at the former president’s vim and vigor while he was in office.

‘The thing that’s incredible about that guy is, even when you watch him as president, he was full of f***ing energy,’ Segura said. ‘And everybody said he slept for four hours a night. He was one of those people.’

To which Rogan shot back: ‘He’s on Adderall’ then put the question to his guest.

Adderall is a stimulant used to treat Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder which is often abused by people to keep awake and alert. 

Podcaster Joe Rogan, pictured, speculated that ex-president Donald Trump was on the drug Adderall, used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Comedian Tom Segura, pictured above, said that he heard that the former commander-in-chief need to take the drug to stay focused and alert

Comedian Tom Segura, pictured above, said that he heard that the former commander-in-chief need to take the drug to stay focused and alert

The two men batted the issue back and fourth, with Segura coming up with some second-hand confirmation.

Segura, who was on the program promoting his book I’d Like to Play Alone, Please, agreed that the former president may have been using the drug.

‘Because there were multiple people who used to work on ‘The Apprentice’ that were like, ‘He’s f***ing gassed up for shoots,’ he said.

‘He has trouble reading,’ Segura said. ‘He would struggle to read prompter or script when he was just, uh, let’s say ‘sober.’ So they would give him that and he would dial in more on reading.’

Trump reportedly skipped his Daily Intelligence Briefing – a compendium of information from the CIA, NSA and other U.S. spy agencies – while president.

‘He would get bored at the CIA briefing in the mornings. He would like, ‘I don’t wanna read that,”’ Segura said.

According to a 2020 New York Times report, the ex-president would often veer off task and bring up rumors he was told by his friends, like pro golfer Gary Player, casino magnate Steve Wynn and Newsmax chief Chris Ruddy.

Intelligence briefers would devise tactics to keep the former Commander-in-Chief on topic, according to the Times report.

‘I heard they would put his name in briefings multiple times to keep him interested,’ Rogan said on the Thursday podcast.

Even his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, reportedly struggled to find a way to keep Trump on task.

‘He came up with a formula to keep him engaged – he obviously was close to him and knew him well and the formula was two good, one bad,’ Segura told Rogan. 

‘So if they were gonna give him bad news, you start with some good news. So they go, ‘This is going well, everybody’s thrilled with you about this. Here’s a bad thing. Also people love you for this.’

In 2020, The New York Times reported that the former president did not read his daily intelligence briefings and he had trouble focusing

In 2020, The New York Times reported that the former president did not read his daily intelligence briefings and he had trouble focusing

‘This is how they would tell him bad news,’ Segura said.

Rogan laughed, ‘He’s a man baby.’

‘That’s exactly how I talk to my kids,’ Segura said. 

Rogan, who boasts 12 million subscribers, has teed off on the former president before.

Earlier in July, the comedian and former mixed-martial arts commentator said Americans abandoned their principles because they felt that Trump was a ‘threat to democracy.’ 

He vowed never to have him on his politically influential show.

‘I am not a Trump supporter, in any way, shape or form,’ Rogan told . ‘I have had the opportunity to have him on my show, more than once, and I have said no every time.’

Rogan said he didn’t vote for Trump, nor President Joe Biden, in the 2020 Presidential Election and that he would support Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis if he ran for the Oval Office.

‘The Trump era is also going to be one of the weirder times when people look back historically about the division in this country,’ Rogan said in a July 5 interview.

 Rogan frequently hosts candidates on his show.

During the 2020 elections, he talked with Democratic hopefuls Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders, all three showed boosts in press coverage, fundraising and polling after their appearances.

Former Trump campaign strategist Steve Bannon said the former-president, who is expected to announce a run in 2024, doesn’t need his podcast with ‘low information voters.’

‘You got Joe Rogan over there, trash-talking Trump. “Oh don’t give Trump any platform.” No offense. He doesn’t need your platform. He doesn’t need your low-information voters,’ he said on the podcast ‘War Room: Pandemic.’
