John Bolton will accuse Donald Trump of misconduct with MORE countries than Ukraine in memoir

John Bolton’s bombshell book will accuse Donald Trump of being willing to ‘ENDANGER or weaken’ the U.S. just to get re-elected and say he deserved impeached for MORE than Ukraine

  • Bolton’s new book will involve ‘misconduct with other countries’
  • ‘This is the book Donald Trump doesn’t want you to read,’ says its release
  • ‘chaos in the White House’ 
  • He blasts Trump for trying to limit publication of his tell-all and vows ‘Game on’
  • Trump says he fired Bolton in September although Bolton says he had already resigned
  • Bolton would not appear before a House impeachment inquiry although his discomfort with a Ukraine pressure campaign was a feature of impeachment
  • Book is set for release later this month 

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s forthcoming memoir will paint a picture of ‘chaos’ in the White House and a president focused exclusively on his own reelection, the book’s publisher is promising.

The book will lay out additional ‘misconduct’ beside the president’s interactions with Ukraine – actions that led to Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate – and with an aggressive posture Bolton is describing as ‘Game on.’ 

Trump is a person ‘for whom getting reelected was the only thing that mattered,’ Bolton writes. 

Although Democrats tailored impeachment to Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine, Bolton describes ‘Ukraine-like ‘transgressions’ in a ‘full-range of his foreign policy,’ according to a release for the book.

Former national security adviser John Bolton takes part in a discussion on global leadership at Vanderbilt University Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020, in Nashville, Tenn

‘I am hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by reelection calculations,’ Bolton writes. 

He writes that the House committed malpractice by tailoring impeachment exclusively to Ukraine. 

Bolton’s book, which he signed with Simon & Schuster for a reported $2 million, has been a highly anticipated tell-all, adding to other portraits of chaos by former FBI Director James Comey, former Trump advisor Omarosa Manigault, and author Michael Wolff.

It is’nt all tire. It promises to be filled with ‘perspective and humor’ from the mustachioed Iran hawk.

The House Intelligence Committee sought to bring Bolton in for testimony during its impeachment probe into Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine, but he didn’t participate, to the consternation of some Democrats who said he was saving material for his book.

His memoir will go beyond an administration pressure campaign to get Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, to include alleged misconduct in additional countries, Axios reported. 

The former UN ambassador and Iran hawk is also blasting Trump for trying to limit his ability to put out the book. 

The rumpled Bolton is known to take copious notes, and the White House is poised for the release of potentially damaging information. 

An excerpt from the epilogue on the back cover of the book reveals the fighting posture Bolton brings to the effort.

‘As if impeachment were not enough, I also found myself confronting the daunting challenge of fighting an incumbent President determined to prevent publication of a book about my White House experiences,’ he writes. 

The book's epilogue describes battles with the White House over publication of the book

The book’s epilogue describes battles with the White House over publication of the book

Bolton called Rudy Giuliani's interactions with Ukraine a 'drug deal,' according to impeachment testimony

Bolton called Rudy Giuliani’s interactions with Ukraine a ‘drug deal,’ according to impeachment testimony

Bolton's book is the latest to describe chaos in the Trump White House

Bolton’s book is the latest to describe chaos in the Trump White House

‘Trump behaved typically, directing the seizure and withholding of my advisors’ personal and other unclassified documents, despite numerous requests for their return; obstructing my Twitter account; and making outright threats of censorship. His reaction thus ranged from the mean-spirited to the constitutionally impermissible. My reaction … m response? Game on.’

National security official Fiona Hill testified that during a tense meeting Bolton described Trump’s Ukraine policy, being driven by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, as a ‘drug deal’ that he wanted no part of.