Judge threatens to hold Jeff Sessions in contempt for deporting asylum-seeker and her daughter

Judge Emmet Sullivan halted an apparent deportation in progress Thursday and threatened to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt after learning the Trump administration tried to remove a woman and her daughter while a hearing about their asylum requests was underway

A federal judge hit the roof on Thursday after learning that the Trump administration may have deported a mother and daughter while they were appealing a decision that denied them asylum in the U.S.

‘Turn the plane around!’ ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan, saying the government’s behavior ‘is not acceptable.’

‘This is pretty outrageous,’ he lectured Justice Department lawyers, threatening to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt of court. ‘Someone seeking justice in U.S. court is spirited away while her attorneys are arguing for justice for her?’

The Washington Post reported on the courtroom clash, which came during a hearing in a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The liberal group, by now accustomed to representing illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers in court, had struck a deal with the DOJ to halt proceedings against the woman, known only as ‘Carmen,’ until midnight Thursday.

But during a court recess, ACLU lawyers found out that the woman and her daughter had already been moved from the South Texas Family Residential Center – the nation’s largest detention facility for illegal immigrants and other potential deportees.

Sessions in June dramatically pared back the criteria for granting asylum in the U.S., excluding people whose claim was based on gang or domestic violence – and saying those problems were for their home governments to address

Sessions in June dramatically pared back the criteria for granting asylum in the U.S., excluding people whose claim was based on gang or domestic violence – and saying those problems were for their home governments to address

Women fleeing poverty and violence arrive in the U.S. daily with their children, seeking asylum based on 'credible fear' of returning home; there are more than 700,000 pending asylum cases, more than twice the number when Barack Obama took office in 2009 (stock photo)

Women fleeing poverty and violence arrive in the U.S. daily with their children, seeking asylum based on ‘credible fear’ of returning home; there are more than 700,000 pending asylum cases, more than twice the number when Barack Obama took office in 2009 (stock photo)

From there, they learned, she may already have been taken to the San Antonio airport and put on an 8:15 s.m. flight back to Central America.

Carmen and her daughter were not separated when they crossed the border, but their chances of remaining in the U.S. were slim after she failed a ‘credible fear’ test designed to determine whether her asylum claim could be honored.

Successful applicants typically enter the country to flee persecution because of their race, religion, nationality or political views.

Membership in what bureaucrats described decades ago as a ‘particular social group’ also qualifies.

But Sessions dramatically limited that category in June, ruling out border-crossers who claim asylum because they are victims of domestic abuse or gang violence – unless the brutality originates with their home governments.

Otherwise, the attorney general argued, protected ‘social groups’ include only people who share a ‘common immutable [unalterable] characteristic.’

The South Texas Residential Facility in Dilley, Texas is where the ACLU's plaintiff and her daughter were being held, and from which they apparently were taken en route to a deportation flight on Thursday

The South Texas Residential Facility in Dilley, Texas is where the ACLU’s plaintiff and her daughter were being held, and from which they apparently were taken en route to a deportation flight on Thursday

Sessions’ unexpected announcement negated a comparatively more vague 2014 Board of Immigration Appeals ruling that married women in developing countries ‘who are unable to leave their relationship’ can be considered a ‘particular social group’ for asylum purposes.

The Obama administration argued at the time that the woman’s gender was ‘immutable.’ And because she was a Roman Catholic from predominantly Catholic Guatemala, her married status was also beyond her control to reverse.

All 12 of the ACLU’s lawsuit plaintiffs would have been permitted to stay under the old rules. One said she was repeatedly raped by a former boyfriend who also physically beat her daughter severely enough to cause a miscarriage.

Others say they fled violent drug gangs who killed their relatives and, in one case, took over their homes.

The Trump administration has argued that traffickers see the ‘credible fear’ test as a loophole that allows them to get their human cargo into the United States, so long as they can memorize the right things to say.

From there, Sessions has argued, asylum-seekers are typically released into the interior of the country while they await hearings, often years away. Many disappear instead of showing up.

In changing the standards for seeking asylum, Sessions said in June that ‘the mere fact that a country may have problems effectively policing certain crimes, such as domestic violence or gang violence, or that certain populations are more likely to be victims of crime, cannot itself establish an asylum claim.’

ACLU attorney Jennifer Chang Newell declared this week in a statement that changing the standard was ‘a naked attempt by the Trump administration to eviscerate our country’s asylum protections.’

‘It’s clear the administration’s goal is to deny and deport as many people as possible, as quickly as possible,’ she said.

There are about 700,000 backlogged asylum cases crawling through federal courts, according to the DOJ. That number is more than triple what it was when Barack Obama became president in 2009.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk