While the concept of modern web design may differ respectively according to a number of significant opinions as some would consider a website designed around the year 2010 has been designed with modern aspects, others in the industry that have latched onto newer principles would consider a website designed prior to 2018 completely outdated. However, it could be agreed that one of the most notable aspects of modern web design could be the sheer simplicity that is exhibited to enhance optimal functionality for users. In days gone by, web designers would focus on several finer details, while newer aspects of design ensure that websites should ultimately be as clean and simple as possible.
Understandably, web design is an extremely vast industry that is constantly adapting to the ever-changing technology. This means that irrespective of experience in the industry, website designers are constantly learning new aspects and discovering more effective methods. Web designers are continuously adapting and growing their knowledge to accommodate changing times. Career Foundry and other innovative institutions aim to encourage students to keep up with the changing trends by offering courses that are informative and practical. If you are considering web design as a career choice, these key aspects for modern web design will prove undeniably useful on your path to becoming a successful designer of modern websites.
Use Of Limited, Yet Bold Color Palletes
Designers that aim to exhibit a modern feel on websites should utilize a color palette that is limited, yet significantly bold. The use of primary and secondary colors will allow designers to sufficient room for creative use in terms of designing elegant and charming homepages and landing pages. However, designers should take care of limiting colors to a bare minimum as using too many colors would only create a cluttered look that will prove visually distracting. The aspect of a bold and limited color palette insists that designers should rather stick to two colors. However, if need be, no more than three colors can be used to maintain a modern look for a website as a crucial design element.
In cases where designers feel the limitation of colors may be difficult to maintain on pages that may be content-rich, it is a great idea to utilize the various different shades that the main color offers. This will allow variety while still honoring the initial color limitations.
Adequate White Space
In addition to a limited color palette, designers should focus on allowing adequate room for white space to ensure that modern design is maintained. White space is extremely visually pleasing. The amount of white space otherwise referred to as empty space, will serve as something of a buffer between various design aspects used, such as sidebars and margins. This key aspect will ensure that the appearance of the website is able to effectively direct the visitor’s attention as intended.
Suitable Call-To-Action Use
As visitors are intended to be converted into customers or leads, the web designer will need to be able to effectively draw the attention of the visitor with the use of effective call-to-action, or CTA’s, that are able to invite the visitor with ease. This can be done by using email subscriptions, free downloadable forms such as ebooks, or even free consultations. The call-to-action will be defined by the type of website and the services or products that are relevant. It is vital to use suitable call-to-actions that are placed carefully on the website page to ensure visual attention is encouraged.
Design With The User In Mind
When attempting to design a modern website, this aspect explains the process of designing the website to suit the user, rather than designing to achieve greater rankings. Designers should focus on the functionality and ease of use for visitors instead of focusing on what may be good for Google. The more user-friendly the website is, the more likely visitors will become leads and customers.
Search Engine Optimization Elements
While the website should focus on optimal user-friendly aspects, designers can take advantage of search engine optimization, or SEO elements to boost rankings on search engines. While many SEO elements are part of back-end development, meta tags and meta titles along with other HTML coding can be used to ensure your modern website is capable of climbing ranks on search engines such as Google. These elements will need to be optimized to ensure that is as relevant to your website as possible.
The Importance Of Optimizing Speed
It is vital that designers optimize the websites speed to suit the user. Nobody enjoys waiting for a page to load as most of us simply expect an immediate response. The speed of your modern website can be increased by optimizing images and compressing files. Additionally, HTTP requests can be minimized within Google Chrome Developer Tools to enhance website speed.
There are several crucial aspects that designers should focus on when aiming to achieve charming elements that make up a modern website design. However, it is vital that designers take care of focusing on each aspect to achieve ultimate success in creating an elegant website that is extremely user-friendly.