Kidnapped baby dies after ‘homicidal and suicidal’ abductor plows Camaro at ‘full speed’ into Ohio home after cops started tailing driver following 911 call from child’s distraught mother
- A 23-year-old man abducted a seven-month-old baby in rural Ohio
- When police later engaged him he crashed into a house, killing the baby
A kidnapped baby died in Ohio after its 23-year-old abductor drove flat out towards a house and crashed into it with such force it was knocked off its foundations.
The man, who is currently in critical condition, was in a relationship with the seven-month-old baby’s mother and had abducted it on Tuesday from North Baltimore, a village in Wood County, Ohio, according to police.
Soon after during a phone call with the baby’s mother, the abductor said he was feeling ‘homicidal and suicidal’ and had already killed the baby.
He also said he was driving to the city of Tiffin, in nearby Seneca County, in a yellow Camaro.
A kidnapped seven-month-old baby died in Ohio after its 23-year-old abductor drove flat out towards a house

After the yellow Camaro turned onto South Sandusky Street in Tiffin, near Cottage Avenue and Ella Street, it began heading south before crashing into the structure on the left
At about 3.43pm the Seneca County Sheriff’s Office was notified by Wood County deputies about the abduction and told the abductor was heading in their direction in the Camaro.
The Tiffin Police Department said an off duty officer located the man in the yellow Camaro and radioed to dispatch that he had located the car.
The off-duty officer began following the vehicle and provided location information to responding officers and deputies in the area.
After the yellow Camaro turned onto South Sandusky Street in Tiffin, near Cottage Avenue and Ella Street, it began heading south.
When Tiffin police officers pulled up behind the car the man driving accelerated and built up speed before careering off the left of the road and crashing into a house at 613 South Sandunsky Street, knocking it off its foundation.
Neighbors told WTOL it was a rental home and that the last occupants had moved out a week ago so nobody was present at the time of the crash.
Tiffin resident Jason Miller said he was in his home Tuesday afternoon when he heard the loud crash.
‘There were seven or eight cops pulling up, getting out, guns drawn, running at the car,’ Miller said. ‘Then I saw the EMS pull up… they got the baby out right away.’

The car crashed into the unoccupied force it was reportedly knocked off its foundations
‘Tiffin Officers and Seneca County Deputies surrounded the vehicle and broke the back window to extricate the infant. The child was bleeding from the head and had labored breathing,’ said Tiffin police in a statement.
Both the baby and the man were then taken to hospital.
Police said that when they searched the car they found a gun as well as two spent cartridges.
As of Tuesday night the infant was said to have died from its injuries, while the man remained in St. Vincent Hospital in Toledo in critical condition.
‘My heart breaks for the family of this innocent child and you can be sure this matter will be investigated thoroughly to determine exactly why and what occurred today,’ said Tiffin Chief Pauly.
‘This was an unfortunate tragedy today and these things also take its toll on our first responders. My thoughts and prayers are with them as well,’ he added.