Wash were they thinking?! Landlord is mocked for advertising a bedroom up for rent – in the same room as the laundry
- A communal laundry inside a three-bedroom home has been listed for lease
- The laundry featured a single bed pushed up against a while inside the laundry
- The room was listed on real estate website Trade Me on July 6 for $80 per week
A listing for a single bed inside a laundry room has gone viral online.
The advert for the $80-a-week accommodation was posted to real estate website Trade Me on July 6.
Pictures show a single bed squashed against one wall with the washing machine and sink on the other side.
The room is located in a three-bedroom home in Welcome Bay, Tauranga on New Zealand’s North Island.
The other images show a sprawling backyard, outhouse and kitchen.
Pictures show a single bed squashed against one wall with the washing machine and sink on the other side
The advertiser said the home came with large gardens that feature avocado trees, a spa and all the ‘mod cons’.
It was also made clear that the washing machine would only be used by other residents on Saturday mornings.
The existing flatmates including one male and one female, both aged in their 30s-40s.

The listing on the Trade Me website advertised a single room for $80 a week but there was just one problem

The other images included the two-storey home’s sprawling backyard, outhouse and kitchen
Since the listing went live there has been major uproar on social media with users slamming the advertiser for taking advantage of desperate renters in need of a cheap place to live.
Images of the ‘bedroom’ have also been circulated on Tauranga-based community groups online.
Since the backlash, the listing has been removed from the Trade Me website.

The advertiser stated on the site that the home came with large gardens that feature avocado trees, a spa and all ‘mod cons

The listing for the room, located in a three-bedroom home in Welcome Bay, Tauranga on New Zealand’s North Island