Late night hosts take down Sean Hannity for being Cohen’s third client

Sean Hannity became the punchline of many jokes Monday night after it was revealed he was Michael Cohen’s mystery third client. 

It was previously revealed that Cohen worked for the president and Elliott Broidy, the deputy finance chair of the RNC – two men he both helped pay mistresses hush money.

Cohen had fought to keep the identity of his third client private, but the judge ordered him to release the name in court on Monday.   

The revelation was a big deal since the Fox News anchor has been one of Trump’s most ardent defenders, going so far as to say the raid on Cohen’s office and hotel last week is proof that ‘Mueller’s witch-hunt investigation is now a runaway train that is clearly careening off the tracks.’

Jimmy Kimmel had his audience laughing when he brought up the news on his show Monday night, saying, ‘If this is the biggest witch hunt in history, as they say it is, we’re running out of spots on the broomstick.’


Jimmy Kimmel took down Sean Hannity on his show Monday night after it was revealed that the Fox News host was Michael Cohen’s mystery third client

Cohen, right, had fought to keep the identity of his third client, Hannity, left, a secret, but a judge in court on Monday forced him to reveal him

Cohen, right, had fought to keep the identity of his third client, Hannity, left, a secret, but a judge in court on Monday forced him to reveal him

‘It’s getting very full, we may have to add an extension to this thing,’ Kimmel added. 

Fellow late night hosts Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah also weighed in on the story. 

Colbert took a seat and started drinking a large glass of wine when he announced the news on his show. 

‘This is crazy. Cohen only has two other clients and all he does for them is pay off mistresses. Which raises the obvious question – who did Sean Hannity have sex with? 

Trevor Noah, left, and Stephen Colbert, right, also weighed in on the scandal on their respective shows

‘Now we don’t know, and I can’t prove this, but I think it’s that football he’s always holding. Yeah, every commercial break he’s got his hands all over it, “Mmm, daddy wants some pigskin,”‘ Colbert joked. 

Trevor Noah insinuated the news may have caused some problems for Hannity at home.

‘Yeah it turns out Michael Cohen’s secret client was Sean Hannity, which, I’m sorry, is not a good look. You know, right now Sean Hannity is probably on the phone with his wife, like, “Hey honey, it’s so weird how I use the guy who pays off mistresses to get me out of that parking ticket. It’s funny, right? Hello? Hello? Hello?”‘ Noah said. 

Scroll down to see everything Kimmel, Colbert and Noah said on the story.   

Jimmy Kimmel 

Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer, was in court today desperately trying to keep his very small client list private. Michael Cohen has three known clients – one of them is Donald Trump, for whom he paid Stormy Daniels, client number two is Elliott Broidy. This guy is the former deputy finance chair for the RNC.  Michael negotiated a $1.6 million dollar payment to a Playboy model he had an affair with…and impregnated by the way, and she had an abortion, so he’s a good dude. And this morning Michael Cohen was forced to reveal the name of a mystery third client. He tried everything to keep it secret but the judge ordered him to reveal the name of client number three and shockingly that client turned out to be my pal Sean Hannity of Fox News. His client number three. Isn’t that interesting that he would need advice from Michael Cohen? 

So Hannity released a statement  today wanting to clarify his arrangement with Cohen. He wrote, “Michael Cohen has never represented me in any matter. I never retained him, received an invoice or paid legal fees. I have occasionally had brief discussions with him about legal questions about which I wanted his input and perspective.” That sounds normal – he has a lawyer he doesn’t pay. By the way, I’m thinking of hiring Michael Cohen as my lawyer ’cause he only has three clients and apparently he works for free. He doesn’t take money from any of them

But Hannity was tweeting furiously this afternoon to distance himself. As you might imagine, he wants to distance himself from a lawyer [whose] only job seems to be paying women out. He wrote, “I assumed those conversations were confidential, but to be absolutely clear they never involved any matter between me and a third party.” What kind of legal advice doesn’t involve a third party? Unless maybe Sean Hannity was thinking about suing himself?

But besides the implications that are raised, it’s a big deal because Sean Hannity has been, like, the chief propaganda guy for Trump’s legal team. He never disclosed that he is also represented by a member of that legal team. If this is the biggest witch hunt in history, as they say it is, we’re running out of spots on the broomstick. It’s getting very full, we may have to add an extension to this thing

Stephen Colbert

We already knew that Cohen represented Donald Trump and paid hush money to cover up his affairs, and last week it was revealed his second client was deputy RNC finance chair (and Donald Trump flattened out by a rolling pin) Elliott Broidy. Now Cohen helped Broidy pay $1.6million dollars in hush money after Broidy had an affair with a Playboy Playmate, and not the same Playboy Playmate that Donald Trump had an affair with, that’s two Playboy Playmates now. I’m just glad Hef isn’t alive to see his life’s work dragged through the filth like this. Now it was revealed that Cohen had one more undisclosed client – secret – but today in court the judge ordered him to reveal the name. It was… -no, you know, CNN you’ve earned.

[Clip of CNN’s Brooke Baldwin: Michael Cohen has just disclosed in court that the client who had requested to remain unnamed was Sean Hannity of Fox News.]

[Colbert sitting in a chair drinking wine] Oh, how did I get this? I don’t know. John Stewart, after the show I’m gonna come over and we’re just gonna spoon.

This is crazy. Cohen only has two other clients and all he does for them is pay off mistresses. Which raises the obvious question – who did Sean Hannity have sex with? Now we don’t know, and I can’t prove this, but I think it’s that football he’s always holding. Yeah, every commercial break he’s got his hands all over it, “Mmm, daddy wants some pigskin.”

Now, as I said, we don’t know, we may never know, but it doesn’t matter what Cohen was doing for him, what does matter is that Sean Hannity is out there every day, every night, defending Trump and Michael Cohen.

[Clip of Sean Hannity: President Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen just had his office, his home, his hotel that he was staying in, raided by the FBI today in an early morning raid. Now what that means is Muller’s witch-hunt investigation is now a runaway train that is clearly careening off the tracks. The media is spinning out of control following the FBI’s raid on Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.]

I’ve got to agree with Sean on this one, the media is spinning out of control. Did you hear about this guy on Fox News who’s defending Cohen without revealing that it’s his lawyer too? That’s crazy. That’s, um, that’s a pretty [unintelligible]. Yeah, it’s so crazy I can’t even say the word….That’s a big detail to leave out Shawn. What else haven’t you been telling us? That you share a barber with the Lego man? How did Fox News let him go on the air with this massive conflict of interest? Did he not tell them or did he tell them and they just ignored it? I’m gonna go with the first one because I know Sean Hannity and delivering factual information is not his strong suit.

I gotta say, I, this is my first reaction, this afternoon we heard about it right before rehearsals. I pity Sean Hannity. All this time he was defending Michael Cohen and Donald Trump so vociferously, maybe he wasn’t being a reflexive propagandist for a corrupt regime, maybe he was just trying to protect himself. Here was a man who was about to be revealed, he was afraid the truth was going to come out and destroy everything he built. He was frail, he was flawed, in other words he was human for the first time. I feel for Sean Hannity.

[Clip of Sean Hannity: Halloween you know is teaching our kids to be liberal, teaching kids to knock on other people’s doors and ask for a handout]

Well, that did not last long, that did not last long.

Trevor Noah 

It came out last week that Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who is now in deep federal investigation s***, only had three clients in the past year – the president, who Cohen helped to pay off a porn star that he had an affair with, his second client a major GOP fundraiser named Elliot Broidy who Cohen also helped to pay off a playmate that he had an affair with, and then Michael Cohen had one more client. Right, out of seven billion people, who could have wanted to join this club and use Michael Cohen as a lawyer? Last year, only one other person did and this person’s identity was a complete mystery until today

[Clip of CNN’s Brooke Baldwin: We are now getting word the lawyer for the president, Michael Cohen, has just disclosed in court that the client who had requested to remain unnamed was Sean Hannity of Fox News.]

Yeah it turns out Michael Cohen’s secret client was Sean Hannity, which, I’m sorry, is not a good look. You know, right now Sean Hannity is probably on the phone with his wife, like, “Hey honey, it’s so weird how I use the guy who pays off mistresses to get me out of that parking ticket. It’s funny, right? Hello? Hello? Hello?”

Just think about how unethical this is for a moment. Right, Hannity has been reporting on this Michael Cohen story from the beginning, but he conveniently never mentioned that Cohen was his guy, which, even for Sean Hannity is pretty shady. I mean, even Instagram models have higher ethical standards, because they’ll be like, “Drink tummy tea, by the way I’m sponsored by tummy tea.” They tell you what it is, right? I’m not expecting him to aspire to the levels of the Kardashians, but come on, Sean.

And I’ll tell you what else, once you know that Hannity has personal  skin in the game with Cohen, it’s fun to go back and look at everything he said about the FBI raid because now we can see that Hannity wasn’t just mad, he was scared.

[Clip of Sean Hannity: President Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen just had his office his home, in his hotel that he was staying in, raided by the FBI today. This is an unprecedented abuse of power. Cohen’s payment is a perfectly legitimate business. Mueller’s witch-hunt investigation is now a runaway train, careening off the track, spinning out of control. If you voted for Donald Trump, you better get buckled up because this is gonna be a rough ride.]

You know, now that we know he was working with Cohen, that looks less like a news show and more like a guy really stressed, giving himself a pep talk. It’s just like, “Come on, we gotta get buckled up this is gonna be a rough ride, whoo-ha! [imitates taking cocaine].”