Latest Bitcoin News

A pseudonymous group or individual named Satoshi invented Bitcoin, which is the first lasting cryptocurrency that thrived where decades of digital money experiments failed. The enforcement of Bitcoin’s monetary policy occurs through a distinct blend of cryptography, software, and monetary incentives.

Cryptocurrency is a digital value representation or digital currency. You can’t hold it in your hand, see it, or put it in your wallet. While it’s been in use for more than decades, its popularity has increased over the past couple of years.

Rather than use a bank to transfer, exchange, and create exchange funds, cryptocurrency adopts a distributed and encrypted network for processing transactions. If you’re thinking of investing in it, here’s the latest bitcoin news.

Bitcoin’s Sharp Decline

The latest bitcoin news reveals that the currency lost $1,000 in some hours, falling below $11,000 per bitcoin earlier this week. It lost more than 10% to $10,006 according to reports. The decline marks the biggest since March 12 when the prices crashed around 40% amid a key sell-off across the markets.

Analysts predict that the currency’s bull market, which has enjoyed its price increase from around $4,000-$12,000 could end abruptly if the cost moves below $10,000 per bitcoin. Its market cap share was 57% earlier this week-the lowest since June last year. Meanwhile, miners are moving abnormally huge bitcoin amounts according to sources, implying they’re looking to cash out their rewards.

Some experts attribute the decline to the comeback of the U.S. dollar. Nevertheless, many in the cryptocurrency and bitcoin community remain optimistic despite the recent price fall. Reports reveal that Bitcoin together with the broader cryptocurrency market and international stock markets has witnessed a boost from the immense stimulus measures and unparalleled money printing conducted by the globe’s central banks under the direction of the American Federal Reserve to offset the monetary damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

For most of this year, temporary bitcoin price moves have had a high correlation to American stocks, with analysts expecting any dips below $10,000 to come up voraciously.

The Reasons why Cryptocurrency Prices Fall

The Sale of some Bitcoin by Miners

The latest biotin news indicates that the recent decline in Bitcoin is the result of miners and some traders opting to sell some of their cryptocurrency, which they obtain as rewards for helping to sustain the blockchain network’s security. They did this to eliminate the risk. Before the decline, elevated bitcoin transfers were evident in exchange wallets, usually viewed as a precursor of increased selling pressure.

Depending on unregulated exchanges and infrastructure is risky

Most cryptocurrency trading occurs outside the U.S. on exchanges with no or minimal regulatory oversight. This permitted the pile of investors to abandon amid inherent dangers. For instance, reports indicate that Bitfinex, one of the biggest exchanges, helped develop Tether-a proprietary cryptocurrency, which supposedly pumped up the cost of Bitcoin and other digital tokens.

Why People Invest in Bitcoin


Bitcoin is decentralized because of blockchain technology. This implies that a central authority doesn’t exist. While some drawbacks exist, decentralization offers a higher security level for the currency. The fact that this currency isn’t centralized makes it less susceptible to security threats and more efficient and resilient.

Moreover, while transactions take place under a pseudonym, you can still link transactions to a physical user. Numerous users are uncomfortable inputting their personal and banking details online, so the currency provides a substitute that appears safer.

Borderless Transfers

Completing a global bank transfer through conventional means isn’t easy, nor is it cheap. However, online platforms, for instance, PayPal have made it cheaper and easier than normal bank operations, but configuration issues and fees exist.

Bitcoin allows global transfers instantly without 3rd party charges. This is especially significant for business owners. As markets increasingly become globalized, more customers are capitalizing on products and services offered by companies located abroad.


Using this currency in daily business doesn’t need any particular alterations or intricate systems in place. Its accompanying software and apps are compatible with current technology-computers and smartphones, meaning there’s no need for additional investment to begin using the currency.

Despite current price volatility and international macroeconomic ambiguity, this year is important for Bitcoin. Although a huge number of private individuals and businesses remain apprehensive about implementing cryptocurrencies, the number of Bitcoin users and blockchain-reliant businesses are gradually increasing. If you’re thinking of using the currency, ensure you conduct the relevant research.