The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is expecting a baby in June, making her the first world leader since 1990 to expect a child while in office – and by far the most annoying.
(They don’t count Tony Blair who had baby Leo while in No10, though I’m sure Cherie made him breastfeed as well as pee sitting down.)
‘This year we’ll join the many parents who wear two hats,’ announced Ms Ardern to raptures from the sisterhood. ‘I’ll be PM & a mom while Clarke will be “first man of fishing” & stay at home dad.’
The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is expecting a baby in June, making her the first world leader since 1990 to expect a child while in office
Oh please! Giving birth months after winning an election isn’t multi-tasking. It’s more a betrayal of voters. It’s worse than Damian Green and those porngate claims! At least he could snap his laptop shut if World War III broke out.
What will a new mum PM do? Hurry back from Waitrose, wailing: ‘I’m sorry I missed Armageddon, but we’d run out of organic Ella’s Kitchen’?
Ardern talks about how in June her ‘team will expand from two to three’. Yuk! Even I’ve now got morning sickness. They’re not a team. What’s baby going to be? Minister for Midday Naps?
You may feel I’m being a little harsh. After all, what do I know, having never pushed a human being out from between my thighs? But I do know what it’s like to work with mums.
Don’t believe what all these female propagandists write in the press about having it all, viz Vogue’s new beauty director, who in the latest issue witters: ‘Depending on the day, his nanny or my mother arrives at 8am and then he and I go our separate ways.

Oh please! Giving birth months after winning an election isn’t multi-tasking. It’s more a betrayal of voters
Once I shut the front door, it’s game-face on… making sure once I’m there I can be so effective that I will make it home in time for bath and bedtime by 7.30pm. The hours before I leave the house and those on my return are the most precious of my 24, enhanced by the fact I’ve had the day to be “working” me.’
Can I tell you the truth about sitting opposite one of these new mums? Game face? Effective? They crawl into work late, with egg in their hair and wearing last night’s onesie.
They are never, ever off the phone, microscopically grilling the nanny/granny about what the blasted child is eating, becoming enraged if water is given from anything plastic (‘It must be glass! Glass!!’) while simultaneously cooing at baby’s Instagram feed.
Once they get off the phone to the nanny/granny, they are then back on it again, discussing the new leather flooring in the master bedroom (‘So good for tiny knees once he starts crawling’), and arranging a villa in the South of France.
Then they try to get hold of the other member of the ‘team’ triangle, Dad, whose colleagues at his investment bank have absolutely no idea he is even attached, let alone a new parent.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her partner Clarke Gayford announce her pregnancy
I know the old argument: surely being a mum makes you more rounded, empathetic. Isn’t it all about work/life balance these days?
Fine, if you want to work behind the counter at Boots. But if you want to get to the top of your game? If you want to be a world leader? Surely your country shouldn’t have to compete for your attention with a colicky toddler.
This is what makes me mad when women wail about being paid less than men.
It has nothing to do with discrimination and everything to do with the fact that, while on maternity leave, you never hear a peep, except when they pop in to collect their gifts.
When my fashion director disappeared on maternity leave, I had to call to let her know we were still, you know, being published every month.
When she returned to work three days a week (you see?), it was barely a season before she announced she was off to breed another one.
When I objected she said: ‘But it’s a feminist magazine! This is what we stand for!’ I countered: ‘But you’ve just increased my workload and blown my budget.
I’m a woman as well, you know.’ ‘Barely,’ she muttered, gathering her things.
P.S. My favourite graffiti of all time, spotted beneath a poster for the movie I Don’t Know How She Does It, starring Sarah Jessica Parker. Under the title, some wag had scrawled: ‘I do. She hired help!’