Tenants in London face the highest rents in Europe with bills for professional workers running at almost £3,700 a month more than on the continent.
Research suggests a mid-market three bedroom property in central London costs £5,398 a month.
However, London has fallen in the global league table as prices have not risen dramatically in the past year – unlike other major UK cities.
The study, by consultants ECA International, said London was the fifth most expensive city to rent in the world – with Hong Kong topping the world wide list.
Research suggests a mid market three bedroom apart in central London (such as in West Hampstead, file image) costs £5,398 a year

London is dramatically more expensive than other European cities. ECA International, a consultancy firm, converted local currencies to dollars for its comparison (pictured)
Alec Smith, Accommodation Services Manager, ECA International, said: ‘In London there is still a large amount of uncertainty in the financial sector in light of the Brexit vote.
‘It remains to be seen whether financial regulation in the City is likely to change much post-Brexit.
‘Changes to stamp duty in 2016 led to a rush from landlords to purchase buy-to-let properties, which increased the supply of rental accommodation across prime areas of London.
‘This increased competition among landlords contributed to the modest falls in average rent in the UK’s capital, although it is still the most expensive in Europe.’
Mr Smith said the biggest increases in Britain had come in Manchester, Edinburgh and Glasgow as demand rose.
Rents slumped in Aberdeen amid a dramatic slow down in the oil industry.
London is dramatically more expensive than other European cities. ECA converted local currencies to dollars for its global comparison.
It found London, at 6,648 dollars for an apartment beat Moscow at 5,081 dollars, and Zurich at 4,673 dollars a month.
Dublin has moved into the top ten most expensive cities to rent, with costs for a three bedroom mid market apartment averaging more than 3,300 dollars a month.

London (file image) has fallen in the global league table as prices have not risen dramatically in the past year – unlike other major UK cities.
Eastern Europe has also seen major increases in prices, the study found.
Mr Smith said: ‘The local economies of Prague, Warsaw and similar major Eastern European cities have strengthened relative to the Eurozone as a whole in recent years.
‘International companies are setting up or expanding their operations in these economies, bolstering demand for quality accommodation.
In the US, New York remains the most expensive place for expatriate rental, despite rental prices falling in the last year.
This is in contrast to other popular US cities such as San Francisco and Miami where rents, and their place in the cost rankings, have continued to rise.

Dublin (file image) has moved into the top ten most expensive cities to rent, with costs for a three bedroom mid market apartment averaging more than 3,300 dollars a month.