Made In Chelsea: Croatia: Jamie feels threatened by Miles, Sam ghosts Liv and Ollie barbecues NAKED

Made In Chelsea has always loved an orchestrated sequence to kick off an episode. Ever since Caggie Dunlop got into the back of that Rolls Royce and said ‘take me to Chelsea’ it’s been a tried-and-tested-narrative device.

But MIC: Croatia’s opening sequence is so orchestrated you basically expect them all to burst into song. 

On a sizeable boat, Miles is twirling himself about and sitting down next to Tabitha, trying on her sailor’s hat (which she is wearing despite not driving the boat). 

Made In Chelsea: Croatia: Jamie feels threatened by Miles, Sam ghosts Liv and Ollie barbecues NAKED

Melissa is strutting along and sitting next to Harry, wearing his’n’her swimwear. And Sam is kissing Habbs on the boat’s bow as if they are Rose and Jack before the Titanic hurtled head-first into that iceberg. 

It’s one Pas de Bourree away from being the opening scene from The Story Of Vernon And Irene Castle.

Cue the preamble that usually ignites an MIC summer series.

Baring it all! Ollie doesn't mind who watches as he prepares the BBQ completely naked

Baring it all! Ollie doesn’t mind who watches as he prepares the BBQ completely naked

Awkward: Jamie is feeling even more threatened by Miles because he's now bonding with Ell over their favourite flavours of ice cream

Awkward: Jamie is feeling even more threatened by Miles because he’s now bonding with Ell over their favourite flavours of ice cream

Phrases like ‘This is going to be just the best summer of our lives’, ‘I’ve got a good feeling about this summer’ and ‘It’s so lovely that we’re all here together for the summer’ are uttered with the kind of doom that hung on the words of whoever said ‘the oven will be fine to leave on overnight’ the evening before The Great Fire Of London.

Ell is winding up Jamie by repeatedly talking about her fellow ‘Frenchie’ Miles. 

Honestly, the amount of times she and Miles bring up their matching connections to France in this episode is so tiresome you really start to wish they’d just go back there. Forever.

Habbs didn’t hook up with anyone during her pre-holiday holiday to Mykonos and Sam tells her he didn’t hook up with anyone during his pre-holiday holiday to Vegas. 

Oui! Honestly, the amount of times she and Miles bring up their matching connections to France in this episode is so tiresome you really start to wish they'd just go back there. Forever

Oui! Honestly, the amount of times she and Miles bring up their matching connections to France in this episode is so tiresome you really start to wish they’d just go back there. Forever

Worried: While Sophie assures Jamie not to worry because Miles likes mango flavour and only children like that, Miles tells Ell that he feels a bit left out by Jamie

Worried: While Sophie assures Jamie not to worry because Miles likes mango flavour and only children like that, Miles tells Ell that he feels a bit left out by Jamie

High drama: Liv and Sam still aren't speaking after Liv dared to get back together with Digby

High drama: Liv and Sam still aren't speaking after Liv dared to get back together with Digby

High drama: Liv and Sam still aren’t speaking after Liv dared to get back together with Digby

This is a lie though which we all know will stay a secret for at least 14 seconds.

At Villa Poseidon, Eidothea the prophetic sea nymph and daughter of Proteus (aka Sophie) is scolding Ollie for reclining naked on a lillo in her pool. 

‘For personal reasons I need a waxer,’ Ollie announces, offering the position to Sophie. She says she’ll do his eyebrows but draws the line at any kind of crack it crevice.

Liv and Sam still aren’t speaking after Liv dared to get back together with Digby. Digby is also in Croatia and there’s a scene where he joins Liv on a balcony and it looks like he’s about to walk into the closed glass patio doors (but doesn’t).

Mark Francis makes his token summer appearance and provides the laughs by being unable to grasp the concept of a cruise. Victoria has brought her opera glasses with her to Hvar because why wouldn’t she. Passport, Factor 30, portable fan, opera-wear.

Saucy! At Villa Poseidon, Eidothea the prophetic sea nymph and daughter of Proteus (aka Sophie) is scolding Ollie for reclining naked on a lillo in her pool

Saucy! At Villa Poseidon, Eidothea the prophetic sea nymph and daughter of Proteus (aka Sophie) is scolding Ollie for reclining naked on a lillo in her pool

Harry, Melissa, Habbs and Sam are lying on towels on a concrete pavement which suggests all the sun-beds were taken and the production assistant just chucked the towels onto the nearest floor and said ‘just do the scene there’.

During this osteopathic nightmare, Liv sends the same text round to the whole group about going out for drinks and Sam is fuming about it. ‘How DARE she send me a broadcast text!’ he seethes.

As a form of revolt, he takes Habbs out for a blindfolded date which, for a moment, looks like he’s about to sell her to pirates. 

But no – it’s just dinner on a boat. Skewered squid tendrils to be precise. AKA the food of desire.

TMI! 'For personal reasons I need a waxer,' Ollie announces, offering the position to Sophie. She says she'll do his eyebrows but draws the line at any kind of crack it crevice

TMI! ‘For personal reasons I need a waxer,’ Ollie announces, offering the position to Sophie. She says she’ll do his eyebrows but draws the line at any kind of crack it crevice

Curious: As a form of revolt, Sam takes Habbs out for a blindfolded date which, for a moment, looks like he's about to sell her to pirates

Curious: As a form of revolt, Sam takes Habbs out for a blindfolded date which, for a moment, looks like he’s about to sell her to pirates

Jamie is feeling even more threatened by Miles because he’s now bonding with Ell over their favourite flavours of ice cream. 

While Sophie assures Jamie not to worry because Miles likes mango flavour and only children like that, Miles tells Ell that he feels a bit left out by Jamie. 

This segues into ‘Us Frenchies have got to stick together’ to which Ell replies ‘We are both French so we have a sweet friendship’.

Are you both French, by any chance?

Close: This segues into 'Us Frenchies have got to stick together' to which Ell replies 'We are both French so we have a sweet friendship'

Close: This segues into ‘Us Frenchies have got to stick together’ to which Ell replies ‘We are both French so we have a sweet friendship’

The most annoying thing about Miles’ constant declarations that he is from France is that he is clearly not remotely French in any way whatsoever. 

At least Ell has the accent. Where’s YOUR accent Miles? We can all say ‘comment t’appelles-tu’ you know.

Miles and Jamie have a passive-aggressive, back-handed chat about the Ell situation where they insult each other by calling one another things like ‘tanned and floppy’ and ‘pale and bald’. 

 Loved up? Miles and Jamie have a passive-aggressive, back-handed chat about the Ell situation where they insult each other by calling one another things like 'tanned and floppy'

 Loved up? Miles and Jamie have a passive-aggressive, back-handed chat about the Ell situation where they insult each other by calling one another things like ‘tanned and floppy’

‘I’m very confident so I don’t get insecure,’ Jamie says, lying to Miles, himself and the nation.

The Digby/Liv/Sam circle of hatred continues. Digby is constantly fuming and Liv ‘isn’t apologising for jack s**t’. 

But just as you think they’re going to hate each other all summer, Liv decides to approach Sam and bury the hatchet and all our dreams of a bitter summer-long feud are destroyed in the blink of an eye. 

Drama: The Digby/Liv/Sam circle of hatred continues. Digby is constantly fuming and Liv 'isn't apologising for jack s**t'

Drama: The Digby/Liv/Sam circle of hatred continues. Digby is constantly fuming and Liv ‘isn’t apologising for jack s**t’