Magpie swoops Townsville woman and makes off with her $6000 hearing aid

A woman has had her $6000 hearing aid snatched from her by a magpie.

Townsville resident Jane O’Neil was walking to the shops when the magpie suddenly swooped at her.

‘I was just walking down the main road because I booked my car in to get looked at and I was walking to the coffee shop at Warrina shops here and I was just in my own little world walking along the footpath,’ Ms O’Neil said.

Townsville resident Jane O’Neill (pictured) had her hearing aid stolen by a swooping magpie

‘The next thing you know there’s a magpie behind me barking and swooping and it started attacking my head.

‘I turned around and had my ears blocked and I must have swooped it with my left arm and it kept attacking my ear and it took my hearing aid and it was gone.’

Ms O’Neil saw the magpie flying away with her hearing aid. 

After the magpie got away it sat on the light pole watching, she says 

She returned to the site of the theft about ten minutes later to see if she could get her hearing aid back, but the magpie attacked her again.

‘It went for me again, so I didn’t bother after that,’ she says.

A magpie swooped and snatched Townsville resident Jane O'Neill's hearing aid on Monday (stock photo)

A magpie swooped and snatched Townsville resident Jane O’Neill’s hearing aid on Monday (stock photo)

Ms O’Neil had bought the hearing aid three years ago for $6000. 

She has had to order a new one.

‘I rang up the Clarity hearing mob and I told them what happened just after it happened.

‘I told them straight away.

‘I don’t know if they believed me or not, but they got one ordered for me.

‘I don’t know how much it’s going to be exactly yet, but they said they are going to order it and it should be here by Friday, hopefully.’

Ms O’Neil says her insurance will only cover about $1000 of the cost of a new hearing aid.   

The Magpie Alert website says that 1668 magpie attacks in Australia have been reported to it this year, with 207 resulting in injuries.