Majority of England’s Omicron cases are double vaccinated

More than half of England’s Omicron Covid cases were in double-vaccinated people, health officials revealed today amid fears the super-mutant can slip past existing jabs.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said 12 of the 22 known cases up to November 30 — 55 per cent — were in people who had at least two doses. 

Cases of Omicron have risen domestically since, with 59 infections found across the UK in total. Six were unvaccinated, two were partially vaccinated with one dose and the vaccination status of the remaining two is not known.  

But health chiefs caution that fare more adults in England are fully vaccinated than not jabbed, so it does not necessarily confirm that Omicron is vaccine-resistant. 

Separate official data shows that the proportion of positive Covid tests with a mutation synonymous with the highly-evolved strain is on the rise. Like Alpha, or the ‘Kent variant’, Omicron has a specific alteration which means it can be detected through PCR tests without the need for genomic sequencing.

The proportion of positive tests in England with this so-called S-gene dropout has risen from 0.1 per cent in the past week to 0.3 per cent, the equivalent of one in 330. Scientists said the increase in S-gene dropouts suggests there could be hundreds of Omicron cases that are flying under the radar currently.

Government figures showed another 50,584 positive tests were recorded in the last 24 hours, up one per cent on last Friday. Yesterday there were 53,945 infections announced.

But deaths fell by ten per cent week-on-week after 143 more fatalities were recorded. Latest figures showed hospitalisations rose eight per cent in a week after 787 were recorded on November 29. For comparison, seven days ago there were 730 admissions.

While the variant is likely only making up a small number of cases in the UK, it is feared the country could be on the brink of a fresh wave.   

It comes as public health officials in Gauteng, the epicentre of South Africa’s outbreak, estimate the province’s R rate has surged from less than one to 3.5 in just a month — suggesting that every 10 infected people are passing the virus onto 35 others.

Covid cases across South Africa have spiralled almost five-fold in a week and hospitalisations rocketed more than 360 per cent.

The country’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases recorded another 16,055 Covid cases in the last 24 hours — with the vast majority in epicentre Gauteng province.

This was a jump of 468 per cent on a week ago when 2,828 infections were announced, and up 1,900 per cent on a fortnight ago when 789 infections were registered.

Hospitalisations also surged after 279 were recorded today, compared to 60 last Friday. And deaths more than doubled after 25 were recorded compared to 12 a week ago. 

A pre-print from a university in South Africa published yesterday found that the new strain is at least two-and-a-half times better at re-infecting people than all other variants, which may offer an explanation for why it is spreading so fast.

While Omicron’s infectiousness seems unquestionable, there is growing uncertainty about how well it can evade vaccines and how severe the illness it causes will be. The World Health Organization (WHO) today revealed zero deaths around the world have been caused by the new variant.

Public health experts in South Africa and the WHO have insisted cases are only mild and vaccines should still be highly effective against the strain, despite a lack of data. And doctors in Norway, where 60 people caught Omicron at a Christmas party, say all those infected have mild symptoms, such as headaches and sore throats.

But UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) epidemiologist Meaghan Kall warned that data currently suggests Omicron may be ‘worse’ than Delta — although the picture is still emerging. She said she was ‘highly sceptical’ that the strain causes milder symptoms, saying infections may only appear less severe because people have immunity against other variants, unlike in the first wave.

Meanwhile, a major British study in booster vaccines found that both Moderna and Pfizer triple the level of T cells in double-jabbed people, which the scientists said made them confident boosters will give very high protection against Omicron.

And Tory Party chairman Oliver Dowden today insisted people should ‘keep calm and carry on’ with their Christmas plans and parties despite the emergence of the variant — but Britain’s pubs, hotels, restaurants and clubs already set to lose billions say ‘the damage is already done’ as the cancellations continue.

Scientists won’t know the full scale of Omicron’s infectiousness, vaccine evasiveness or lethality for another two or three weeks, when they can isolate the virus in a lab and study its biology and test it against the blood of previously-infected or vaccinated people.

Official data shows that the proportion of positive Covid tests with a mutation synonymous with the highly-evolved strain is on the rise. Like Alpha, or the ‘Kent variant’, Omicron has a specific alteration which means it can be detected through PCR tests without the need for genomic sequencing. The proportion of positive tests in England with this so-called S-gene dropout has risen from 0.1 per cent in the past week to 0.3 per cent, the equivalent of one in 330. Scientists said the increase in S-gene dropouts suggests there could be hundreds of Omicron cases that are flying under the radar currently 

Some 59 cases of Omicron have been confirmed in the UK so far. Twenty-nine infections have been spotted in England, including three in Westminster and two in each of Barnet, Buckinhamshire, Camden, Lewisham and South Northamptonshire. And Scotland's cases today increased by 16 to 29. The first 13 infections were divided between Lanarkshire and the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. Today, two more cases were spotted in Lanarkshire, five more in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, while three were identified in the Highlands, one in Grampian and five in Forth Valley. And Wales announced this afternoon that its first case has been found in Cardiff

Some 59 cases of Omicron have been confirmed in the UK so far. Twenty-nine infections have been spotted in England, including three in Westminster and two in each of Barnet, Buckinhamshire, Camden, Lewisham and South Northamptonshire. And Scotland’s cases today increased by 16 to 29. The first 13 infections were divided between Lanarkshire and the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. Today, two more cases were spotted in Lanarkshire, five more in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, while three were identified in the Highlands, one in Grampian and five in Forth Valley. And Wales announced this afternoon that its first case has been found in Cardiff

Almost 900,000 people in England had Covid on any given day last week, official data suggests. This chart shows overall Covid rates

Almost 900,000 people in England had Covid on any given day last week, official data suggests. This chart shows overall Covid rates  

Data in South Africa shows the R-rate has soared to over three per cent in recent weeks as Omicron took hold in Gauteng province

Data in South Africa shows the R-rate has soared to over three per cent in recent weeks as Omicron took hold in Gauteng province

Covid booster vaccines are likely to offer good protection against the Omicron variant, experts behind a Government-funded new study say. Graph shows: The number of T-cells per 10^6 peripheral blood mononuclear cells in people who have had two doses of the AstraZeneca after a third dose of the Pfizer (red bars) and Moderna (blue bars) vaccines

Covid booster vaccines are likely to offer good protection against the Omicron variant, experts behind a Government-funded new study say. Graph shows: The number of T-cells per 10^6 peripheral blood mononuclear cells in people who have had two doses of the AstraZeneca after a third dose of the Pfizer (red bars) and Moderna (blue bars) vaccines

Boris Johnson (pictured today, meeting staff during a visit to a pharmacy in the North Shropshire constituency ahead of the upcoming by-election) has promised to offer all 53million eligible adults a booster Covid vaccine by the end of January to shield the nation from the incoming Omicron wave

Boris Johnson (pictured today, meeting staff during a visit to a pharmacy in the North Shropshire constituency ahead of the upcoming by-election) has promised to offer all 53million eligible adults a booster Covid vaccine by the end of January to shield the nation from the incoming Omicron wave

South Africa's Covid cases have spiralled almost five-fold in a week after 16,055 new infections were recorded over the last 24 hours. This was also a 1,900 per cent increase on a fortnight ago when some 789 cases were registered. The rocketing cases come as the Omicron variant takes off in the country

South Africa’s Covid cases have spiralled almost five-fold in a week after 16,055 new infections were recorded over the last 24 hours. This was also a 1,900 per cent increase on a fortnight ago when some 789 cases were registered. The rocketing cases come as the Omicron variant takes off in the country

Figures from the country's National Institute for Communicable Diseases showed infections are rocketing in Gauteng province at the epicentre of the outbreak. They are also surging in the country's eight other provinces

Figures from the country’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases showed infections are rocketing in Gauteng province at the epicentre of the outbreak. They are also surging in the country’s eight other provinces

The above map shows the percentage change in Covid cases across South Africa today compared to the same time last week. It shows that in eight of the nine provinces infections rocketed by more than 300 per cent week-on-week. The sharpest rise was recorded in Eastern Cape where infections surged 1,068 per cent

The above map shows the percentage change in Covid cases across South Africa today compared to the same time last week. It shows that in eight of the nine provinces infections rocketed by more than 300 per cent week-on-week. The sharpest rise was recorded in Eastern Cape where infections surged 1,068 per cent

The above graphic is published by the NICD every day to show the country's official Covid cases count. The bold figures underneath each province's names are the new infections detected every day, while the number below is the number of active cases

The above graphic is published by the NICD every day to show the country’s official Covid cases count. The bold figures underneath each province’s names are the new infections detected every day, while the number below is the number of active cases

Six Omicron cases are linked to a Steps concert in Glasgow 

Six Omicron coronavirus cases in Scotland have been linked to a Steps concert in Glasgow as Nicola Sturgeon warned ‘there is now community transmission of this variant’.

A total of 16 new cases of the Covid variant have been recorded in Scotland in the past 24 hours, taking the overall number to 29.

Ms Sturgeon said the cases are ‘no longer all linked to a single event, but to several different sources’ including the concert at the Hydro venue in Glasgow on November 22.

The Scottish First Minister said that ‘given the nature of transmission we would expect to see cases rise – perhaps significantly – in the days ahead’. 

Cases of the new variant have been recorded in Highland, Grampian and Forth Valley health boards for the first time, with three, one and five respectively.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is now home to 11 cases, while NHS Lanarkshire has nine.

The Omicron outbreak in Scotland started in the latter two areas, with nine cases linked to a single private event on November 20. 

Some 59 cases of Omicron have been confirmed in the UK so far. Twenty-nine infections have been spotted in England, including three in Westminster and two in each of Barnet, Buckinhamshire, Camden, Lewisham and South Northamptonshire. 

And Scotland’s cases today increased by 16 to 29. The first 13 infections were divided between Lanarkshire and the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. Today, two more cases were spotted in Lanarkshire, five more in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, while three were identified in the Highlands, one in Grampian and five in Forth Valley.

And Wales announced this afternoon that its first case has been found in Cardiff.

Nine of Scotland’s cases were linked to a single event on November 20 — four days before South Africa alerted the world to Omicron in a move which prompted the world to shut itself of from the nation. The fact the cases were already in the UK suggests transmission within the community is already taking place. 

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced today that six Omicron cases were linked to a Steps concert that took place on November 22 in Glasgow. There were no cases linked to a second performance the following night. 

Laboratories determine whether Covid PCR tests are positive by looking out for certain parts of the virus, one of which is the spike protein on the outside of the cell.

On Omicron, the spike has mutated so much that the tests cannot detect it and only confirm whether other parts of the virus are present in a person’s nose and throat swab to tell if they are infected.

Around half of PCR tests in England are processed by laboratories that use a detection kit that looks for the spike protein and two other parts of the Covid cell.

In the five days leading up to November 28, the proportion of confirmed positive tests that didn’t detect the spike protein increased from 0.1 per cent to 0.3 per cent. 

These kits usually detect the three parts of the Covid cell, but still confirm someone is infected when they detect any part of the virus.

Failing to spot the spike protein — scientifically known as S-gene dropout or S-gene target failure (SGTF) — has happened before with the Beta varitant, which was first spotted in South Africa, because it also had mutations on the spike protein that tricked the tests into failing to spot it.

Scientists in South Africa, where Omicron has caused an unprecedented surge in cases in, were alerted to Omicron because they spotted the S-gene dropout.

Oslo 60 who caught Omicron at Norwegian Christmas party all have MILD symptoms including headaches and sore throats, doctors say 

Dozens of Christmas party-goers who became infected with suspected cases of Omicron Covid in Norway have only mild symptoms, doctors have revealed.

Up to 60 people who fell ill after attending a party on Oslo’s waterfront a week ago have so-far developed headaches and sore throats while a few have a cough.

Tine Ravlo, chief physician for the district where the outbreak took place, said the symptoms are broadly consistent with what is being reported from South Africa, where the variant first emerged.

 But, he added, it is still too early to tell whether that makes Omicron more or less dangerous than Delta. All of the infected are young and all are believed to have been vaccinated – a combination that typically leads to milder symptoms.

All of those infected at the party – which hosted employees of South African renewable energy firm Scatec – are currently recovering at home, Mr Ravlo added.

The Olso outbreak – currently the world’s largest-known Omicron outbreak – happened after several employees who had recently travelled to Scatec’s head office in Cape Town attended the party.

Fifty of those who attended the Scatec party have since tested positive on a PCR test, meaning they are confirmed Covid cases, while another 10 have tested positive on a lateral flow, meaning they are suspected but not confirmed.

Only one of the cases has so-far been confirmed as Omicron using genetic sequencing techniques, with 10-15 cases declared probable Omicron.

But all cases are assumed to be the new variant, with the results of more sequencing tests expected soon.

Mr Ravlo said the ‘incubation period’ of the new variant – the time from infection to first symptoms – appears to be two to four days.

The changes on the spike protein has caused alarm among experts and raised concerns the strain could escape vaccine protection and natural immunity from a previous infection.

But genomic sequencing of positive Covid samples — laboratory analysis that identifies a virus’s genetic make-up, allowing variants and mutations to be detected — remains the only full-proof way to confirm if a Covid infection was caused by Omicron.

Dr Davies tweeted that the increase in S-gene dropout from the usual level of 0.1 per cent to 0.3 percent between November 24 and 28 ‘represents about 60 more SGTF cases than we would expect to see.

‘Given that Omicron causes SGTF, while the otherwise globally dominant Delta variant doesn’t, these “excess” SGTFs are most likely Omicron cases, at least some of which have yet to be confirmed via sequencing.

‘However, this number will probably go up, as the last 2-3 days of data are still filtering in.

He tweeted: ‘The fact that there has been an increase in SGTF isn’t necessarily surprising — we have 22 confirmed Omicron cases in England as of today, so there was going to be an SGTF signal sooner or later. This isn’t meant to be shocking news.’

The apparent increase in Omicron cases could suggest the variant is being spread in the community, or signal that more international arrivals — who are required to take a PCR test within 48 hours of arriving in the UK — are testing positive.

Dr Davies added: ‘In a manner of speaking, we have been lucky in the UK that first Alpha had SGTF, then Delta didn’t, and now Omicron does.

‘Each time, we have been able to use the presence or absence of SGTF to detect probable VOC [variant of concern] cases a few days before the sequencing data has been available.

‘The SGTF signal also makes it easier to monitor the severity of a new variant, since it gives us another way to classify a case’s lineage and then to see whether a given lineage is more or less likely to lead to severe disease.’

And NERVTAG, a committee that advises the Government on the threat posed by new and emerging respiratory viruses, today said there are no other Covid variants in South Africa that cause S-gene dropout.

All of the S-gene dropout samples sequenced in South Africa went on to be confirmed Omicron cases, so it is ‘currently a reliable marker of the variant’. 

Meanwhile, it was revealed today that the R rate in Gauteng, the epicentre of South Africa’s outbreak, has soared from less than one to 3.5 in just a month — suggesting that every 10 infected people are passing the virus onto 35 others.  

It comes after data from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) released yesterday evening showed 11,535 new Covid cases were recorded in the previous 24 hours, a jump of 368 per cent on last Thursday when 2,465 new infections were registered.

Some 51,402 people in the country took a Covid test and 22.4 per cent of them tested positive for the virus. For comparison, 38,075 per cent of tests taken on the same day last week and 6.5 per cent were positive.

Graph shows: The percentage of tests coming back positive in the whole of South Africa since the start of the pandemic averaged over seven days (red line) and on a daily basis (blue line)

Graph shows: The percentage of tests coming back positive in the whole of South Africa since the start of the pandemic averaged over seven days (red line) and on a daily basis (blue line)

Graph shows: The seven-day average number of cases in provinces across South Africa. Infections are spiking in Guateng (dark green line), the epicentre of the Omicron wave in South Africa

Graph shows: The seven-day average number of cases in provinces across South Africa. Infections are spiking in Guateng (dark green line), the epicentre of the Omicron wave in South Africa

Graph shows: The seven-day average number of cases per day recorded in provinces across South Africa since the end of October. Infections increased to more than 1,000 per day in Guateng (dark green line), the epicentre of the Omicron wave

Graph shows: The seven-day average number of cases per day recorded in provinces across South Africa since the end of October. Infections increased to more than 1,000 per day in Guateng (dark green line), the epicentre of the Omicron wave

Meanwhile, hospitalisations rose by 180 per cent in the last seven days. Some 98 people were admitted last Thursday, while 274 Covid-infected patients required hospital care yesterday.

But Covid deaths have decreased from 114 last Wednesday to 44 today, marking a 61 per cent fall. Trends in hospitalisations and deaths lag two to three weeks behind the pattern in cases, due to the time it takes to become seriously unwell after catching the virus.

Covid booster jabs ARE likely to protect against Omicron, scientists say

Covid booster vaccines are likely to offer good protection against the Omicron variant, experts behind a major new study say — in the first glimmer of hope since the emergence of the super-strain last week. 

The body’s T-cell immune response after a third dose suggests they will continue to protect against hospitalisation and death from the new strain, according to the Government-funded trial. 

It also supports the UK’s decision to use Pfizer or Moderna as boosters, with mRNA jabs turbocharging antibody and T-cell responses the most.

T-cells are thought to provide longer lasting and broader protection than antibodies which deliver an initial higher boost of protection but also see that defence fade faster over time.   

Professor Saul Faust, trial lead and director of the NIHR Clinical Research Facility at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, said: ‘Even though we don’t properly understand its relation to long-term immunity, the T cell data is showing us that it does seem to be broader against all the variant strains, which gives us hope that a variant strain of the virus might be able to be handled, certainly for hospitalisation and death if not prevention of infection, by the current vaccines,’ Professor Faust said.

He said T cell response was not just focused on the spike protein but ‘are recognising a much broader range of antigens that might… be common to all of the variants.’

Asked specifically about Omicron, he said: ‘Our hope as scientists is that protection against hospitalisation and death will remain intact.’ 

Samples from the study have now been passed to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) to look at how well the Omicron variant can be neutralised by vaccines. 

And a preprint published by scientists from the Stellenbosch University, near Cape Town, suggests Omicron is at least 2.4 times more likely to reinfect someone than the original strain.

Government researchers say there has been 35,670 reinfections since the beginning of the pandemic and the risk of reinfection fell to 0.7 during the Beta-fuelled second wave last winter and the third Delta surge this summer compared to the first wave.

But the risk of catching the virus again has risen for the first time, jumping to 2.4.

Scientists from the Stellenbosch University, near Cape Town, said the findings suggest Omicron is able to evade protection people have from a previous infection, unlike the Beta and Delta variants that were suppressed by natural immunity.

They said the data has important public health implications, especially in countries that have previously had high rates of infection.

And ‘urgent questions remain’ over whether Omicron can evade vaccine protection just as well as natural immunity, and if so, whether this impacts hospitalisations and deaths.

Microbiologist at Reading University Dr Simon Clarke said the data was the ‘first indication’ that Omicron could get around immunity from previous Covid infection.

He said: ‘There are a few caveats in this work, such as not having definitively confirmed that it was indeed Omicron that was causing the reinfection, but they were able to determine that the increased transmission of Beta or Delta variants was not a result of immune evasion.

‘There is no indication as to how this immune evasion happens, although it can be presumed to be because of decreased antibody binding to Omicron’s mutated spike protein.’

He added: ‘Omicron has blown a big hole in the controversial argument that we should simply allow the infection to spread in an attempt to create immunity.

‘Herd immunity which now seems like nothing more than a pipe dream. We await a further indication as to whether Omicron has any ability to evade vaccine induced immunity.’

Scientists are working at breakneck speed to establish whether Omicron is more transmissible and deadly than other mutant strains. But they say it could still be at least a week before reliable estimates start to emerge.

Early reports on the ground in southern Africa suggested that most cases were mild or completely asymptomatic.

But there has been no age breakdown meaning it is impossible to know whether this is because the strain is simply yet to spread to older people.

The WHO has repeatedly claimed that it is a mild strain. Christian Lindmeier, a spokesperson for the global agency, today told reporters in Geneva: ‘I have not seen reports of Omicron-related deaths yet.

‘We’re collecting all the evidence and we will find much more evidence as we go along.

‘The more countries… keep testing people, and looking specifically into the Omicron variant, we will also find more cases, more information, and, hopefully not, but also possibly deaths.’

NHS to scrap routine surgeries to hit No10’s booster deadline: Health chiefs say their ‘absolutely only option’ is to cancel planned ops to deliver 50m jabs by January — with waiting list for elective care already at 6million 

The NHS is set to scrap yet more routine operations in order for staff to shift their attentions to the UK’s mammoth booster rollout, health leaders have warned.

Boris Johnson has promised to offer all 53million eligible adults a booster Covid vaccine by the end of January to shield the nation from the incoming Omicron wave.

But with crippling staff shortages and waiting lists already at an all-time high, health chiefs say it will come at the cost of planned operations and health scans. 

‘The only way we will be able to meet the requirement will be to stop less essential and more routine work and I’m very reluctant to do that given the backlogs and pressures in the system,’ one NHS leader told The Independent.

There are fears that delaying elective care, which includes both regular procedures — such as knee operations — and scans to screen or check for health problems such as cancer or heart disease will further exacerbate record NHS waiting lists. 

Sajid Javid has already admitted that GPs’ workload will be shifted to focus on the booster campaign in a dramatic U-turn over face-to-face appointments with doctors.

Re-prioritising the Covid vaccine over tackling the immense NHS care waiting list is a shift in focus from Mr Javid who previously said addressing the backlogs were his ‘top priority’ and insisted the country ‘has to learn to live with Covid’, when he became Health Secretary in June.

The waiting list for treatment in England already stands at nearly 6million, but a recent report warned this could more than double in four years as millions of patients return to the health service for care already delayed by the pandemic.


And doctors on the ground in Norway, where 60 people fell ill with suspected Omicron after attending a Christmas party last week, said those infected are currently experiencing mild symptoms.

Dr Tine Ravlo, chief physician for the district where the outbreak took place, said the patients are experiencing headaches and sore throats, broadly consistent with what is being reported from South Africa.

Only one of the cases has so-far been confirmed as Omicron using genetic sequencing techniques, with 10-15 cases declared probable Omicron.

But all cases are assumed to be the new variant, with the results of more sequencing tests expected soon.

Mr Ravlo said the ‘incubation period’ of the new variant — the time from infection to first symptoms — appears to be two to four days.

That is far less than the seven to 14 days for most other Covid variants, and would potentially make outbreaks easier to spot — though the data is still preliminary.

Mr Ravlo added that, so far, all infections in Oslo have been traced to the Christmas party and there is no evidence of wider community spread.

But Dr Kall said she is ‘sceptical’ about claims the new strain causes less severe disease.

Writing on Twitter, she said: ‘I am highly sceptical it could be more mild. I think the best case is it’s equivalent in severity to Delta… but you’ll see milder symptoms now, than Delta when it emerged, because many more people have immunity now.’

However, promising data from the UK’s COV-BOOST study suggests the body’s T-cell immune response after a third Covid injection will protect against hospitalisation and death from Omicron.

The findings also support the UK’s decision to use Pfizer or Moderna as boosters, with mRNA jabs turbocharging the body’s antibody and T-cell responses the most.

T-cells are thought to provide longer lasting and broader protection than antibodies which deliver an initial higher boost of protection but also see that defence fade faster over time.

Professor Saul Faust, trial lead and director of the NIHR Clinical Research Facility at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, said: ‘Even though we don’t properly understand its relation to long-term immunity, the T cell data is showing us that it does seem to be broader against all the variant strains.’

The provides ‘hope that a variant strain of the virus might be able to be handled, certainly for hospitalisation and death if not prevention of infection, by the current vaccines’, Professor Faust said.

It comes as Tory Party chairman Oliver Dowden today insisted people should ‘keep calm and carry on’ with their Christmas plans and parties despite Omicron – but Britain’s pubs, hotels, restaurants and clubs already set to lose billions say ‘the damage is already done’ as the cancellations continue.

Mr Dowden told Sky News: ‘The message to people, I think, is fairly straightforward – which is keep calm, carry on with your Christmas plans. We’ve put the necessary restrictions in place, but beyond that keep calm and carry on.

‘I understand that people have concerns around the new variant. That’s why the Government has taken the sort of measures that we’ve already outlined … we think those are sufficient at this stage and, beyond that, people should continue with their plans as intended.’

Amid confusion about what to do, many of Britain’s biggest employers including the NHS, banks and tech firms have axed festive bashes completely or taken them online. It is now said to be a 50/50 split.

‘Keep calm and carry on with your Christmas plans’: Oliver Dowden attempts to end confusion over festive advice 

Tory Party chairman Oliver Dowden today insisted people should ‘keep calm and carry on’ with their Christmas plans and parties despite Omicron – but Britain’s pubs, hotels, restaurants and clubs already set to lose billions say ‘the damage is already done’ as the cancellations continue.

Mr Dowden insisted the Government had been clear in its guidelines – despite a plethora of ministers offering contradictory and confusing advice – and said: ‘There’s a Conservative Party Christmas party still planned’.

He also said that providing Britons abide by mask rules on public transport and in shops, they can kiss anyone they like under the mistletoe.

Boris Johnson has urged businesses not to cancel office parties and proceed with caution when his ministers either told people to cancel, wear masks, take tests and not snog strangers – none of which are in the Government guidelines.

Mr Dowden told Sky News: ‘The message to people, I think, is fairly straightforward – which is keep calm, carry on with your Christmas plans. We’ve put the necessary restrictions in place, but beyond that keep calm and carry on.

‘I understand that people have concerns around the new variant. That’s why the Government has taken the sort of measures that we’ve already outlined … we think those are sufficient at this stage and, beyond that, people should continue with their plans as intended.’

Amid confusion about what to do, many of Britain’s biggest employers including the NHS, banks and tech firms have axed festive bashes completely or taken them online. It is now said to be a 50/50 split.