Man infected with hepatitis C tells blood inquiry there was a ‘coalition of secrecy’ around scandal

A man not told he had hepatitis C until nine years after his diagnosis has said there was a ‘coalition of secrecy’ around the infected blood products scandal.    

Thomas Griffiths said he raised concerns with doctors treating him for haemophilia at hospital in Dumfries in the mid-1980s about the use of blood products such as Factor VIII.  

But was told by doctors ‘there is absolutely no need to worry’ about the use of imported blood products in Scottish hospitals, only to be later diagnosed with the hepatitis C virus.   

Thomas Griffiths (pictured) said he raised concerns with doctors treating him for haemophilia at hospital in Dumfries in the mid-1980s

Giving evidence at the Infected Blood Inquiry at its first day of hearings in Edinburgh, he said more ‘honesty’ could have led to better treatments and saved many lives. 

Mr Griffiths said: ‘It was causing me concern having to come in for a product which was thought to be not entirely safe.

‘I was told by Dr Toolis and a number of his staff on various occasions that there is absolutely no need to worry, we never, ever use imported blood products in Scottish hospitals.’

He said this ‘distressed’ him as he knew from the labels his treatments had come from Australia and the US.

In 1999, he received a letter from his doctor telling him he had hepatitis C which ‘may have occurred some years ago in association with Factor VIII or other blood products’.

He told the inquiry he phoned his doctor who said it was ‘nothing to worry about’ and would cause nothing more than ‘mild flu symptoms’, adding that the doctor said: ‘The important thing about hepatitis C is that it’s not life threatening, only life shortening.’

A timeline of the contaminated blood scandal which began in the early-1970s

1972: NHS starts importing large batches of Factor VIII products from United States to help clot blood of haemophiliacs. 

1974: Some researchers warn that Factor VIII could be contaminated and spreading hepatitis.

Late-1970s: Patients continue to be given Factor VIII, with much of the plasma used to make the product coming from donors such as prison inmates, drug addicts and prostitutes.

1983: Governments in both the UK and the United States are told that Aids has been spread through blood products.

Mid-1980s: By now the blood products such as Factor VIII, were being heat-treated to kill viruses, but thousands of patients had already been infected. 

1991: Blood products imported from US are withdrawn from use. The government awards ex-gratia payments to haemophiliac victims threatening to sue. 

2007: Privately-funded inquiry into scandal set up by Lord Archer of Sandwell but it does not get offical status and relies on donations.

2008: Penrose Inquiry launched, but victims claim the seven-year investigation was a ‘whitewash’. 

2017: Independent inquiry into contaminated blood scandal announced by Prime Minister Theresa May. 

April, 2019: Infected Blood Inquiry starts hearing evidence.

After a two-year fight to access his medical records, he found he had been diagnosed with the virus in 1990, but told neither that he had been tested for it or of the result for nine years, and it affected his liver.

The inquiry heard the records show only one treatment with Factor VIII when he was routinely treated with it, and was told those records were not kept.

He said the use of infected blood products is an ‘aberration’ in the ‘otherwise wonderful history of the health service’.

He added: ‘When the horrors began to unfold there was widespread fear of how bad this might prove to be.

‘This led to a coalition of secrecy I think, involving government departments, health service officials and indeed medical professionals.

‘Information was withheld from affected patients, they were not told enough and frequently they were not told the truth.

‘It should not take nine years to find out that you have tested positive for hepatitis C and the condition progressed of course during all that time.

‘Had there been more openness and honesty, better treatments could possibly have developed more quickly and perhaps many lives could have been saved and many more lives less blighted.’

Mr Griffiths, now 75, waited a further 20 months for treatment, which was stopped due to severe side effects, and had a liver transplant in 2004 after a cancerous tumour was discovered.

Further treatment cured his hepatitis C and the transplant also meant he was free of haemophilia. The hepatitis C virus was not identified until 1989, and there is now a complete cure available. 

Thousands of patients were infected with HIV and hepatitis C via contaminated blood products in the 1970s and 1980s, and around 2,400 people died.

The scandal has been labelled the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS.

The inquiry also heard from a mother whose son died after being infected by HIV while being treated for haemophilia who believes doctors tried to ‘obscure’ his cause of death.

Alison Bennett, who now lives in Edinburgh, said her son Alistair’s death was recorded as blood poisoning and bronchopneumonia with a secondary cause of haemophilia.

She said: ‘To my mind that is trying to obscure the fact that the main cause of death was HIV/Aids.’

She believes the doctors who signed off the death certificate were ‘being pressured’ not to reveal the cause.

She said: ‘I can’t prove that but that’s my gut feeling, that there was a genuine attempt to obscure what happened.’

The latest hearings in the Infected Blood Inquiry have begun in Edinburgh. Among the contaminated blood products under discussion is Factor VIII - a blood clotting protein given to thousands of NHS patients including haemophiliacs

The latest hearings in the Infected Blood Inquiry have begun in Edinburgh. Among the contaminated blood products under discussion is Factor VIII – a blood clotting protein given to thousands of NHS patients including haemophiliacs

Ms Bennett believed her son’s blood tests in the early 1980s were ‘routine’ and linked to his haemophilia until she received a hospital letter in 1985 saying he had tested positive for being exposed to the Aids virus.

The letter said of the 16 patients tested by then nearly 60% had tested positive and nearly all of them have been treated with American factor VIII.

When she told her son, aged 14, she said he was ‘very angry’.

She and her son were both diagnosed with hepatitis C, which she believed came from the same source, ‘the infected blood product’.

Ms Bennett said Alistair attended Newcastle University but became progressively more ill and died in hospital in Liverpool aged 22.

Ms Bennett, a former anaesthetist, said she knew of the dangers that pooled plasma as used in Factor VIII from the late 1960s and early 1970s significantly increased the risk of virus infections.

She said: ‘I knew this from my medical training. I cannot understand how the NHS sanctioned the purchase of American Factor VIII and denied there was increased risk.’

A third witness, who gave evidence anonymously, said he had attempted to take his own life after losing his partner and job having been diagnosed with hepatitis C, years after being given a blood transfusion following a lorry crash as a teenager.

The inquiry, before former High Court judge Sir Brian Langstaff, continues.

A scandal sparked with blood sold by US prisoners

The blood contamination scandal was sparked by tainted blood plasma products that were given to thousands of NHS patients including haemophiliacs or those needing transfusions.

A new treatment introduced in the early 1970s involved the use of clotting agent Factor VIII.

Since Britain was struggling to keep up with the demand, supplies were sourced from the US.

Much of the plasma used to make the product came from donors such as prison inmates, drug addicts and prostitutes – who sold blood which turned out to be infected.

By the mid-1980s, the blood products were being heat-treated to kill viruses, but thousands of patients had already been infected.

Around 5,000 people with haemophilia and other blood disorders are thought to have been infected with HIV and hepatitis over a period of more than 20 years, according to the BBC. Almost 3,000 of them have since died.

Prime Minister Theresa May announced in July last year that an inquiry would be held into the events over the two decades.

The announcement was welcomed at the time by campaigners, who have been pressing for years for an inquiry into the import of the clotting agent Factor VIII from the US