Jeremy Wright, 68, has avoided jail after admitting possessing indecent images of children. He is pictured at Bournemouth Crown Court on Monday
A shamed company director has become the third generation of his family to be convicted of child sex offences.
Jeremy Wright, 68, avoided jail after admitting possessing indecent images of children.
A court heard his 25-year-old son is serving a prison sentence for taking and distributing an indecent moving image of a child under 18.
And his late father Alex also spent two years in jail for abusing children.
Wright’s defence barrister said: ‘The sins of the father are playing out in this defendant.’
Wright, the director of a sales and marketing company, was arrested at his home in Bovington, Dorset, on October 11, 2016.
When police raided his house he threw a USB stick out of a bedroom window.
It was recovered and found to contain more than 1,000 indecent images of children on it.
Of these 69 were category A images – the highest rating – 98 category B and 912 category C, There was also extreme pornography involving animals and 490 prohibited images of children which were cartoons of children involved in sexual activities.
When the businessman appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court for sentencing it was heard that child sex offences ran in the family.
Last year his son William was jailed for two years after he had consensual sex with a 16-year-old girl which he filmed and later put it on the internet.
He admitted charges of taking an indecent moving image of a child under 18, intentionally obtaining for himself the sexual services of a child under 18, distributing an indecent moving image of a child under 18 and making indecent images of a child under 18.
Nicholas Robinson, mitigating for Wright, told a court: ‘The sins of the father are playing out in this defendant, just like perhaps William Wright, who is in prison for similar but more serious offences and is this defendant’s son.
‘This defendant’s father is a convicted paedophile. He [Jeremy Wright] reported to police that his own father had groomed somebody underage.
‘There is a stark contrast of that responsible behaviour with this irresponsible behaviour.
‘He does not seek to excuse his behaviour now or many years ago, he says what he did was deplorable.

Last year, Jeremy Wright’s 25-year-old son William (pictured) was jailed for two years after he had consensual sex with a 16-year-old girl which he filmed and later put it on the internet
‘But for the first time he is seeing the link between growing up in a home with a strict father in the army, disciplined and principled on one hand but quite the opposite on the other in that he was somebody who abused children.
‘He is deeply ashamed for his conduct.’
Mr Robinson also said Wright was diagnosed with prostate cancer and is awaiting the results of a scan to determine if the cancer has spread and what treatment he will require.
In a letter to the judge Wright said: ‘I am guilty as charged, nothing can excuse my behaviour. I take full responsibility for my actions, not a day passes when I do not regret my actions more and more.’
Judge Brian Forster handed Wright a three year community order with a requirement to attend 35 days of a sex offenders’ programme.

When the businessman appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court (pictured) for sentencing it was heard that child sex offences ran in the family
The judge said: ‘It is clear that you have insight into the serious position you find yourself in and voluntarily took steps to address your situation.
‘In those circumstances it appears clear to me the greater public interest is best served by you having the assistance to deal with this problem.’
He sentenced Wright to a three-year community order with a condition to attend
Judge Forster also told him that like his son, he would need to sign the sex offenders’ register for five years and be subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for five years that limits his use of the internet and his contact with young people.
A member of the public shouted from the back of the court ‘you should be ashamed of yourself’ at Wright and his barrister as they left the court.