The man suspected of stabbing a 19-year-old University of Pennsylvania student to death, claims the victim had been hitting on him.
Samuel Lincoln Woodward, 20, told police that he’d picked up Blaze Bernstein from his parents’ house in Lake Forest on January 2 and during the trip the student had ‘kissed him on the lips’.
Woodward, through a clenched jaw and fists, said he pushed Bernstein off and had ‘wanted to tell Blaze to get off of him,’ according to investigators. He claims he then dropped off Bernstein so he could walk alone in Borrego Park, in Lake Forrest, Los Angeles, while Woodward went to meet his ‘girlfriend,’ the San Jose Mercury News reports.
Yet Woodward could remember neither the name nor address of his ‘girlfriend’, police said. Woodward also had scratches on his hands, which police say he told them he had sustained while participating in a fight club.
Bernstein’s body was later discovered on January 9, with 20 stab wounds, buried in a shallow grave at that same California park. No weapon has been found.

Samuel Lincoln Woodward, 20, (left) is suspected of stabbing Blaze Bernstein (right) to death
Woodward, 20, was arrested and taken into custody Friday on suspicion of homicide after DNA evidence linked him to the death of, Bernstein, a college sophomore, Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes said.
Carrie Braun, a public information officer for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, said ‘the condition of the body at the time it was discovered turned it from a missing person to a homicide immediately.’
Bernstein may have been planning to sexually pursue Woodward, according to a 16-page search warrant affidavit obtained by The Orange County Register.
Bernstein texted two female friends about a June interaction with Woodward, according to the affidavit. Bernstein wrote that Woodward was about to ‘hit on me’ and ‘he made me promise not to tell anyone… but I have texted every one, uh oh.’
The two knew each other from high school, Barnes said.

In another message, someone states to Woodward that ‘You are violent. It scares me,’ to which he replies ‘I wouldn’t fight anybody unless they attacked me’

Samuel Lincoln Woodward, 20 wrote in one post that the infamous rebel flag ‘represents Southern pride, not racism’ (Pictured: Woodward’s image placed in front of Confederate Flag)

Woodward, 20, told police that he’d picked up Blaze Bernstein (pictured) from his parents’ house in Lake Forest on January 2 and during the trip the student had ‘kissed him on the lips’
On the night that Bernstein went missing, he and Woodward had parked outside a Hobby Lobby in Lake Forest where, according to Woodward, Bernstein kissed him on the lips before he pushed him away.
Woodward also told investigators that they drove to the park, and Bernstein walked into the park alone. He said he waited for Bernstein for an hour before driving to meet with a girlfriend, the Register reported.
A sheriff’s investigator wrote in court filings that Woodward appeared nervous, had scratched hands and dirt under his fingernails, and avoided touching doors with his hands while leaving the sheriff’s office building.
Woodward claimed his demeanor was a result of falling into a mud puddle and taking part in a ‘fight club.’
It was not immediately possible to reach Woodward in custody, where he listed his occupation as ‘Nerf games,’ according to the jail’s website.
Authorities searched for Bernstein for nearly a week with assistance from drone pilots and found his body on Tuesday after recent rains partially exposed it.
The death of Bernstein rocked the community of Lake Forest, 50 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Hundreds of people held a candlelight vigil to remember him.

Pictured is the park in which Bernstein was found. The Ivy League student was planning to major in psychology and later study medicine, his father said

Pictured is another view of the park. His father had said his son had a passion for cooking and was a creative writer
It was the only homicide reported in Lake Forest in at least the past four years, according to authorities.
Over the weekend it emerged Woodward defended the Confederate flag and wrote disturbing posts on social media, according to The New York Post.
He wrote in one post that the rebel flag ‘represents Southern pride, not racism.’

At one point, Woodward picks ‘Waterboarding’ as a new skill he wants to learn (Pictured: Parents of Blaze Bernstein, Gideon and Jeanne)
On another social media platform called askfm, Woodward said if he could have two items while being stranded on a deserted island, it would be ‘The Bible and a Colt .45’.
On his profile, Woodward picks the torture method ‘waterboarding’ as a new skill he wants to learn and in another message, someone states to Woodward: ‘You are violent. It scares me.’
Bernstein’s mother Jeanne said ‘Nothing will bring back my son so we ask the world to please honor Blaze’s memory by doing an act of kindness today – don’t wait – do it now. Celebrate the goodness that still exists in this world in-spite of these acts of senseless evil. People are good and Blaze knew that,’ according to the Los Angeles Times.
Bernstein, a sophomore, was planning to major in psychology and later study medicine, the Orange County Register reported his father, Gideon Bernstein, saying last week.

Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes, left, takes a questions as District Attorney Tony Rackauckas looks on during a news conference about the death

Gideon and Jeanne Bernstein, parents of missing teen Blaze Bernstein, pictured here, are joined by Orange County Sheriff’s Lt. Brad Valentine, right, during a news conference in Lake Forest, California

Jeanne Bernstein tweeted about the news that an individual had been arrested in connection with her son’s murder
His dad said that he had a passion for cooking and was a creative writer. He had recently been named to the staff of Penn Appetit magazine at school.
A friend at school told WPVI that she had been communicating with Bernstein over break over ideas for the magazine for the next semester.
A private funeral service was held on Monday to honor Bernstein, who has been described as a talented writer, a passionate chef and a selfless volunteer by his family and friends.
People were given spatulas with the last recipe he devised in the kitchen to celebrate his culinary skills, according to ABC7.
The family of Bernstein is asking the public to do good deeds out of respect for Blaze.
‘We want people to do acts of kindness,’ said David Thalberg, a spokesman for the Bernstein family.
‘We want them to post them, we want them to do whatever they can in Blaze’s honor. Because it’s the kind of kid he was.’
The family have created a website to honor Blaze’s life, titled the Blaze Bernstein Memorial Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County.