Marla Maples is reportedly dating Donny Deutsch, a Morning Joe contributor, who called President Donald Trump ‘physically disgusting’.
Maples, who was married to Trump from 1993 to 1999, was spotted out with Donny Deutsch, the former host of the CNBC talk show The Big Idea.
‘It was their first or second date,’ a source, who claims they saw the pair dining at the Polo Bar on Tuesday night, said.

Marla Maples is reportedly dating a TV host, Donny Deutsch (right), who called President Donald Trump ‘physically disgusting’. ‘It was their first or second date,’ a source, who claims they saw the pair dining at the Polo Bar on Tuesday night, said

Deutsch has consistently slammed the president in the past year, calling him an ‘evil man’ just last week. And last month, Deutsch called Trump a ‘sociopath’
‘She looked amazing,’ the source told PageSix.
A second source confirmed to the news site that the pair is in the early stages of a relationship.
After dinner, the pair left together in Deutsch’s car.
Deutsch has consistently slammed the president in the past year, calling him an ‘evil man’ just last week.
In response to Trump’s sh**hole’ remarks, Deutsch said: ‘If we take his implied support of [alleged] pedophile [Roy Moore] and now if we take this additional very clear racist thing, he’s an evil man.’
Just last month, Deutsch called Trump a ‘sociopath’.

In June 2017, Deutsch called Trump a ‘vulgar pig’ in another interview on Morning Joe. Deutsch is seen during an appearance on Good Morning America
During an appearance on ‘Morning Joe’ on December 1, Deutsch asked: ‘Who does things without any thinking about repercussions?’
Deutsch then answered his own question: ‘A sociopath.’
The host called Trump a ‘pathetic sniveling little president’ in August for his response to Charlottesville.
‘This is evil,’ Deutsch said on MSNBC. ‘This is not nuanced, this is not politics, this is not red state blue state. This is evil. And this man, this pathetic sniveling little president cannot stand up to it. There is no human being underneath that hair and that suit.’
Last June, Deutsch called Trump a ‘vulgar pig’ in another interview on Morning Joe.
‘He’s physically disgusting to look at. Thats what I find ironic about the way he starts to always go after other peoples’ physical attributes… He’s not mentally Okay…Enough is enough with this disgusting vulgar man,’ Deutsch said at the time.
‘You are a pig, you are a bully, and you are doing disgusting things to this country,’ he concluded.