Enraged ‘Suzuki Karen’ pulls the plug on a street concert as two locals try to entertain locked-down neighbours – because she ‘is trying to work’
- Two St Kilda residents set up a speaker and sang for neighbours on Thursday
- As they performed by the kerb, neighbours went outside to watch on their lawns
- But it came to a stand still when a ‘Karen’ turned up to tell them to turn it down
- Do you know more? Email tita.smith@mailonline.com
A maskless ‘Karen’ driving an old Suzuki pulled the plug on a neighbourhood concert entertaining locked down residents in Melbourne because she was ‘trying to work’.
Two St Kilda residents set up speakers at the front of their driveway on Thursday to hold a street show for neighbours stuck at home amid the city’s Stage 4 restrictions.
As the pair busted out a duet to Barbra Streisand’s show tunes, residents rushed outside in delight to watch the performance from their lawns.
Two locals were holding a street show for St Kilda residents on Thursday when a woman stormed over to demand the volume be turned down (pictured)
But the show came to a sudden standstill when one neighbour, dubbed ‘Karen’ by an onlooker, became disgruntled by the noise.
A video provided to 3AW shows the woman pulling her old a Suzuki Alto over in front of the production and then storming over to the singers to demand they turn the volume down.
The singers oblige, prompting their viewers to boo as the woman marches back to her car.
She the turns to defend her actions, yelling: ‘I’m trying to work, you should hear it down the road.’
The entertainers carried on but the police reportedly arrived ten minutes later to shut it down.
Dave was packing up to leave work on Thursday when he noticed the performers in the street.
He said most of the neighbours loved the show until it ended abruptly.
The woman defended her demands, yelling at booing audience members that she ‘was trying to work’
‘Kids playing, people sitting in their driveways social distancing and drinking champagne,’ he told the radio station on Monday.
‘Karen turned up, without her mask on, and gave them a spray because it was too noisy!’
A ‘Karen’ is a newly-emerged term for a self-righteous woman, usually middle-aged, who tells people how to do their jobs, asserts their rights and complains to the manager.
The origins of the term are unclear, however it quickly became popular in meme culture on internet forums such as Reddit to describe problematic women.