Meet army veteran with wife fiancee and submissive sex slave girlfriends in Australian country town

A former soldier has swapped the battlefield for his very own love dungeon, which he shares with his wife, fiancée and two submissive sex slave girlfriends.

James Davis, 36, and his unusual family live in Armidale, northern New South Wales, and are to star in a new five-part series about their polyamorous BDSM lifestyle.

Mr Davis, who has given himself the title of ‘patriarchal overlord’, requires the four women to wear collars, ask permission to use the bathroom, and call him ‘master’.

James Davis, 36, and his unusual family live in Armidale, northern New South Wales (pictured from right are Mr Davis, his wife Charlotte, girlfriends Hanna and Sophie and fiancee Hunter)

Kitted out with bondage equipment including an A-frame (pictured), a cage and numerous sex toys, Mr Davis said he lives there while his 'slaves' have the upstairs

Kitted out with bondage equipment including an A-frame (pictured), a cage and numerous sex toys, Mr Davis said he lives there while his ‘slaves’ have the upstairs

Eager to get out of Sydney, Mr Davis constructed a dungeon, called House of Cadifor: Fetish Playroom, in the basement of his Armidale home (pictured are Mr Davis's sex toys)

Eager to get out of Sydney, Mr Davis constructed a dungeon, called House of Cadifor: Fetish Playroom, in the basement of his Armidale home (pictured are Mr Davis’s sex toys)

Aged between 19 and 27, the women are also in different types of relationships with one another and participate in sex parties at their home.

In a sneak-peak of the series ‘Cadifor: A story about love, family and slavery’, the girls can be seen kneeling in front of Mr Davis to greet him.

‘Good morning Master, your owned property Slave 808497061 has missed you, and is here presented ready and waiting to serve you,’ Mr Davis’s wife Charlotte said while in a submissive pose in front of him.

She was then followed by Mr Davis’s fiancée, Hunter, and his girlfriends Hanna and Sophie, who made identical statements while he sat on the sofa in front of them.

The unique living arrangement has led to Mr Davis 'receiving a lot of hatred', but the former soldier said he is just misunderstood (pictured is Mr Davis and his girlfriend Hanna)

The unique living arrangement has led to Mr Davis ‘receiving a lot of hatred’, but the former soldier said he is just misunderstood (pictured is Mr Davis and his girlfriend Hanna)

Mr Davis moved to Armidale, which he described as a ‘highly conservative town’ after serving 17 years in the military.

Eager to get out of Sydney, Mr Davis constructed a dungeon, called House of Cadifor: Fetish Playroom, in the basement of his Armidale home.

Kitted out with bondage equipment including an A-frame, a cage and numerous sex toys, Mr Davis said he lives there while his ‘slaves’ have the upstairs.

The unique living arrangement has led to Mr Davis ‘receiving a lot of hatred’, but the former soldier said he is just misunderstood.

‘[People] think I must be some kind of abusive oppressor, a misogynist, manipulator, or even a monster,’ he said.

Aged between 19 and 27, the women are also in different types of loving relationships with one another and participate in sex parties at their home (pictured is Mr Davis and his girlfriend Hanna)

Aged between 19 and 27, the women are also in different types of loving relationships with one another and participate in sex parties at their home (pictured is Mr Davis and his girlfriend Hanna)

In a sneak-peak of the series Cadifor: A story about love, family and slavery, the girls can be seen kneeling in front of Mr Davis to greet him (pictured)

In a sneak-peak of the series Cadifor: A story about love, family and slavery, the girls can be seen kneeling in front of Mr Davis to greet him (pictured)

‘But the truth is, I’m just a guy who loves both freedom and commitment, and who was lucky enough to find some incredible women to love, and who love me back.’ 

Mr Davis describes himself as a ‘rope performer, fetish photographer, BDSM writer, kink educator, lifestyle dominant and consent advocate’.

He also claims to be a licensed gynaecologist.  

The series on Mr Davis’s lifestyle is currently raising funds on Indiegogo, and will examine the dynamics of the family’s relationships.

‘Cadifor will explore gender roles and family dynamics in an utterly unique setting,’ according to the crowdfunding page.  

The series on Mr Davis's lifestyle is currently raising funds on Indiegogo , and will examine the dynamics of the family's relationships (pictured is the cage in the love dungeon)

The series on Mr Davis’s lifestyle is currently raising funds on Indiegogo , and will examine the dynamics of the family’s relationships (pictured is the cage in the love dungeon)