Meet the Gordon Ramsay lookalike working for the hot-tempered TV chef

Gordon Ramsay’s culinary protege is the spitting image of the celebrity chef – and even the Hell’s Kitchen star thinks so.

With his furrowed brow, slick hair and distinctive facial features, George Lyon, 26, is a dead ringer for a young Ramsay.

So uncanny is the resemblance that even Mr Lyon’s mother, Pauline, says it is a ‘running joke’ that she must have had a fling with the celebrity chef – although his birth certificate proves the similarity is just a coincidence. 

For his part, Ramsay has tweeted a picture of the pair with the caption ‘spot the difference’.  

Mr Lyon was wooed back to Ramsay’s restaurant group in London last year after leaving to take up a job in Sydney at the Charing Cross Hotel. 

George Lyon (right) was recruited back to the celebrity chef’s restaurant group by Gordon Ramsay (left) himself

Mr Lyon recently returned to work for his mentor at Savoy Grill, a glamorous, fine-dining restaurant in London

Mr Lyon recently returned to work for his mentor at Savoy Grill, a glamorous, fine-dining restaurant in London

Mr Lyon (centre) was the youngest head chef in the Gordon Ramsay restaurant group's history

Mr Lyon (centre) was the youngest head chef in the Gordon Ramsay restaurant group’s history

He now works for his mentor at the Savoy Grill, a glamorous fine-dining restaurant in the city.

Australian friends say Ramsay personally flew out to Sydney in order to convince Mr Lyon to return to London and work for him at the Savoy.

Mr Lyon was appointed the youngest head chef in the Gordon Ramsay Group’s history when he was chosen to lead the kitchen at London House aged just 24 in 2016.

He said he was asked to cook Christmas lunch for Ramsay, his family and high-profile guests David and Victoria Beckham.

‘They had the Beckhams over, it was very high pressure, you don’t want to ruin someone’s Christmas,’ he told Good Food.

Mr Lyon arrived in Sydney in December 2017 to work at the Charing Cross in Waverley.

Ramsay has tweeted several times about the resemblance between himself and Mr Lyon, calling him a ‘mini me’.

Mr Lyon (left) had been working at the Charing Cross Hotel in Waverley, Sydney

Mr Lyon (left) had been working at the Charing Cross Hotel in Waverley, Sydney

Mr Lyon said he cooked for Ramsay, his family and David and Victoria Beckham on Christmas Day

Mr Lyon said he cooked for Ramsay, his family and David and Victoria Beckham on Christmas Day

He has also referred to Mr Lyon as ‘George Ramsay’, and shared a photo of the two side-by-side asking his followers to ‘spot the difference’.

Ramsay also said Mr Lyon ‘reminds me of myself so much, back in the good old days of Aubergine’, referring to his first restaurant in London.

Mr Lyon said working for Ramsay was different to what his television persona may suggest.

Ramsay has tweeted about the resemblance between himself and Mr Lyon, calling him a 'mini me'

Ramsay has tweeted about the resemblance between himself and Mr Lyon, calling him a ‘mini me’

‘No one would want to work for him if he was like that,’ Mr Lyon told Essential Surrey.

‘I know he does a lot of all that on the TV, but in reality he has an amazing character. 

‘He’s very extroverted in the kitchen though – there’s definitely a presence when he’s in. He’s a hands-on boss and very hard working. 

A young Ramsay (circled) is pictured with Rangers football club aged 18

A young Ramsay (circled) is pictured with Rangers football club aged 18

He has also referred to Mr Lyon as 'George Ramsay', and shared a photo of the two side-by-side asking his followers to 'spot the difference'

He has also referred to Mr Lyon as ‘George Ramsay’, and shared a photo of the two side-by-side asking his followers to ‘spot the difference’

Pauline Lyon said it was a running joke with her friends that she’d had a fling with Ramsay because George looked so much like him.

She said that when her son worked for Ramsay, he would play on the resemblance by screwing his forehead up to impersonate the famous chef when posing for photos.