Meet the Great Dane who takes pride in caring for rescued wild horses

A sweet and heroic Great Dane dubbed Barkley spends his days happily serving as a therapy dog for wild horses rescued from neglected homes, auctions and kill pens around the world.

The Instagram account SkyDog Sanctuary shows incredible photos and videos of the dog and horses spending time with one another at the picturesque ranches located in Mariposa, California and Bend, Oregon.

Charming footage seen on the social media page shows trainers helping care for the horses and donkeys as the dog interacts with them and even provides hugs and other gestures.

‘When Barkley the Great Dane met Bodhi son of Goliath and Red Lady ❤️❤️ The love and respect between different animals is so inspiring and glorious,’ one video caption read.


Barkley the Great Dane works helps to heal rescued wild horses and donkeys at the SkyDog Sanctuary

The sweet dog is seen in photos and video watching over the horses and donkeys at the ranch

The sweet dog is seen in photos and video watching over the horses and donkeys at the ranch

The Great Dane even gives the horses and donkeys hugs 

The Great Dane even gives the horses and donkeys hugs 

The heartwarming Instagram page currently has over 10.9k followers

The heartwarming Instagram page currently has over 10.9k followers

‘It’s a joy to witness… the cutest souls in the world meeting for the first time.’

The happy horses are seen grazing and wandering freely around the open fields alongside rescued friends.

The patient and gentle ‘ranch manager’ Barkley spends time with the wild mustangs and donkeys when he’s not napping or playing with his human owners.

‘Barkley keeping watch over rescued mustang Rhys as the sun goes down at skydog malibu – sleep tight and thank you for following us,’ a caption below a photo of the Great Dane looking out for the horses read.

Another heartwarming aspect of the ranches is that managers employ individuals in addiction recovery and working in 12 step programs – as well as veterans, its website states.

The 'ranch manager' Barkley spends time with the horses when he's not napping or playing with his human owners

The ‘ranch manager’ Barkley spends time with the horses when he’s not napping or playing with his human owners

The 501c3 non-profit aims to reunite mustang families and form new bonds between the horses brought in

The 501c3 non-profit aims to reunite mustang families and form new bonds between the horses brought in

A top priority of SkyDog Sanctuary on social media is to promote adoption for the wild horses through the Bureau of Land Management.

Furthermore, the 501c3 non-profit aims to reunite mustang families and form new bonds between horses brought in. 

‘We believe that wildness matters, that family matters and that there is a better way to manage these mustangs on public lands to ultimately prevent more ending up at risk in bad places,’ the website states further.

‘Our biggest, most important mission is to shine a spotlight on ALL these issues and make mustangs a talking point across the US. We want people to know the facts about what is happening to OUR wild horses. 

‘Using social media, local and national press and celebrity friends we can show how special, valuable, unique and beautiful wild horses are and stop them being rounded up, held in pens for their lives or – even worse – sent to slaughter for their meat.’ 

Berkley is seen above gently interacting with a donkey at SkyDog Sanctuary

Berkley is seen above gently interacting with a donkey at SkyDog Sanctuary

The picturesque ranches are located in Mariposa, California and Bend, Oregon

The picturesque ranches are located in Mariposa, California and Bend, Oregon