Michael Cohen’s secret dream: to be Mayor of New York City – Trump fixer sought advice on how to run

Michael Cohen, personal attorney for President Donald Trump, harbored a secret dream to be mayor of New York City, it was revealed Sunday, and even sought advice on how to establish a campaign that would pit him against now-Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Cohen first revealed his desire on election night, shortly after Trump’s team realized they’d secured the White House, Axios reported.   

‘This is the beginning of a dynasty,’ Cohen told the group in Trump Tower, according to a source who told the news website.

Michael Cohen, personal attorney for President Donald Trump, harbored a secret dream to be mayor of New York City

Michael Cohen sought political advice on how to set up a New York City mayoral campaign that would have pitted him against now-Mayor Bill de Blasio (pictured)

Michael Cohen sought political advice on how to set up a New York City mayoral campaign that would have pitted him against now-Mayor Bill de Blasio (pictured)

One of the crowd asked Cohen, who’s known as Trump’s fixer, if by ‘dynasty’ he meant Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump Jr. was going to get the political bug next.

‘I’ve already got the bug,’ Cohen said.

He added: ‘Nobody’s going to be able to f*** with us. I think I’m going to run for mayor.’

In the early hours of the morning, as the Trump team left its victory party at the Hilton Hotel on Manhattan’s 6th Avenue, a member of Trump’s entourage saw Cohen near the bottom of the escalator and yelled out: ‘Cohen for mayor!’

Cohen looked over his shoulder and pumped his fist in the air, Axios reported. 

Another source told the news website that Cohen sought their advice on setting up a campaign that would have challenged now-Mayor Bill de Blasio.

But, ultimately, Cohen never made a bid. 

‘Despite many friends suggesting that I run for mayor,’ Cohen told Axios, ‘I obviously chose not to. Additionally, I believe that Mayor de Blasio is doing a fine job for our city.’

Cohen has faced legal troubles after more legal troubles since the campaign. 

He’s being investigated by the Southern District of New York on the referral of special counsel Robert Mueller, who is also looking into his role regarding any possible Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Trump allies told Axios they’re avoiding Cohen because they assume his every phone call is recorded.  

Cohen’s private office was raided in April by federal agents and several of his business records were seized, including those about payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

President Trump is said to feel terrible for Michael Cohen because of all his legal problems

President Trump is said to feel terrible for Michael Cohen because of all his legal problems

Mueller’s investigation has increasingly focused on Cohen and includes his work on Trump Tower Moscow, his personal business holdings and any payments to women who claimed they had affairs with Trump.

Cohen has served as Trump’s fixer and worked with him at the Trump Organization before he resigned that post after he election but stayed on as the president’s personal attorney. 

Cohen is known as a ‘fixer’ for Trump, and assisted him on an array of deals, including a plan to build a Trump Tower Moscow that never got off the ground but that Cohen discussed with Russian officials even during Trump’s run for office.

He’s also regularly threatened lawsuits against those who pose a challenge to Trump and has worked with tabloids to kill unfavorable stories about Trump. 

After the election, he set up a consulting business for those who wanted advice on how to deal with new president and his administration. 

Rudy Giuliani, who’s serving on Trump’s legal team, told Business Insider that the president ‘probably feels terrible that he’s caused so many problems for Michael Cohen, who doesn’t deserve it.’

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