Mickey Mouse-themed cafe is forced to close because of real mouse

Mickey Mouse-themed cafe is forced to close after real-life rodent is spotted running between tables

  • The Primark Café with Disney boasts a Mickey-Mouse-shaped entrance 
  • Cafe was forced to close for deep clean after customers allegedly filmed mouse 
  • Pest control firm was brought in to hunt for the rodent, before a full inspection 

A new Mickey Mouse-themed cafe had to close – after a real life rodent was spotted scurrying between the tables.

The Primark Café with Disney boasts a Mickey-Mouse-shaped entrance, serves Mickey-shaped pancakes and is decorated with cartoon stills and sketches and is situated at the fashion-chain’s giant new flagship store in Birmingham.

But the eatery was forced to close for a deep clean after two customers allegedly filmed a mouse as it ran across the café floor last Wednesday. 

The Primark Café with Disney boasts a Mickey-Mouse-shaped entrance

A pest control firm was also brought in to hunt for the rodent, before a full inspection was carried out by environmental health officers the next day.

Primark has since confirmed there had been reports of a mouse sighting and that they have stepped up their pest control measures.

A source told the BirminghamLive website: ‘It wasn’t droppings that they saw, it was an actual mouse!

‘Two customers had taken a video of it in the café and complained about it.’ No evidence of the mouse was discovered and the café is now back up and running.

A Primark spokesman said: ‘The Primark Café with Disney is hugely popular with our customers and food safety is of paramount importance.

The eatery was forced to close for a deep clean after two customers allegedly filmed a mouse as it ran across the café floor last Wednesday

The eatery was forced to close for a deep clean after two customers allegedly filmed a mouse as it ran across the café floor last Wednesday

‘Through our partner, Aramark, we implement industry leading food practices throughout the café including specialised training and certification of our employees, as well as a team dedicated to food safety which conducts frequent internal audits to ensure standards are maintained.

‘Following a reported sighting of a mouse, pest control were called to the store and a deep clean was carried out.

‘At no point did this issue affect the kitchen or food preparation areas.

‘Environmental health officers immediately conducted an inspection of the café and awarded it the highest possible rating (5 stars) for food safety.’


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk