‘Modern-day slave’ lived in an attic for six years

A ‘modern-day slave’ who had been living in an attic for six years while being forced to work without pay has been freed by police.

The Hungarian man was found after officers from Britain’s specialist anti-slavery unit raided a number of properties in Oldham, Greater Manchester.

Investigators said the man’s reported ordeal was one of a series of cases where ‘vulnerable’ people are preyed on by others from their country of origin.

A suspect is led away after a raid by the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority in Oldham, last month, saw four people arrested on suspicion of modern slavery offences

The man, in his late 50s, claims his exploiters put him to work in a food processing plant and made him collect scrap metal before denying him wages.

Four people have been arrested as part of the investigation, which is codenamed Operation Sidebar.

The man is now safe and is due to be relocated, the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) said.

The GLAA, formerly known as the Gangmasters Licensing Authority, was formed after the deaths of 23 cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay in 2004.

It is a law enforcement agency set up to tackle exploitation, human trafficking and modern slavery.

New police-style powers to arrest, search for and seize evidence have given to the unit’s officers.

Estimates from the Home Office put the number of suspected ‘modern-day slaves’ in the UK at 10,000 to 13,000, although the real figure is feared to be far higher.

The GLAA said it had particular focus on car washes as well as industries including cleaning, construction, manufacturing and warehouse working.

The Oldham raids were carried out late last month but details have just emerged.

A 22-year-old man and a 23-year-old woman were arrested at a property in Greenacres area of Oldham.

A 60-year-old man was held at a separate address nearby and, 24 hours later, a woman was also arrested.

It is understood the man rescued was found in the attic of one of those who was arrested.

The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, formerly known as the Gangmasters Licensing Authority, was formed after the deaths of 23 cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay in 2004 (above)

The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, formerly known as the Gangmasters Licensing Authority, was formed after the deaths of 23 cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay in 2004 (above)

The four – all Hungarian nationals – were held on suspicion of committing offences under the Modern Slavery Act.

They were questioned and released pending further investigation, the GLAA said. Greater Manchester Police provided support during the raid.

The GLAA said the investigation was launched after concerns were raised by supervisors at a food production factory about the condition of another man, 66, who the GLAA said was being driven to and from work by one of the suspects.

He too has now been relocated from the Oldham area after agreeing to enter the National Referral Mechanism, a process set up by the Government to identify and support victims of suspected human trafficking in the UK.

Senior investigating officer Martin Plimmer said: ‘This appears to be another case of opportunists preying on vulnerable fellow countrymen and exploiting them for their labour.

‘While we are still in the very early stages of this investigation we appear to have uncovered two victims – one of whom claims to have been exploited for a considerable period of time.

‘Working with police and immigration officers, we have been able to arrest suspects and will now gather evidence to ensure that justice is done.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk