Moment delivery rider is caught eating customer’s pizza before reconstructing it

Cheesy does it! Pizza delivery rider is caught tucking into a slice before deftly jigsaw-ing the rest back together with a knife, resealing the box then heading off to his customer

  • The pizza delivery driver, believed to be based in Mexico, had a cheeky snack
  • He used sticky tape to reseal the box before delivering it as if nothing happenedĀ 

This is the moment a deliveryman was caught tucking into a customer’s pizza before deftly rearranging the slices to cover his tracks.

The cheeky courier, understood to be based in Mexico, was spotted on his scooter with the open box stretched across his lap as he paused for a snack break before making his delivery.

He had a pizza slice in one hand and skillfully usedĀ a small knife to cut off small slivers before stuffing them in his mouth.

The deliveryman rearranged the remaining slices to make it appear as though the pizza was whole and made several skillful incisions so it looked like it hadn’t been touched before.

He closed the box and sealed it with sticky tape before starting the scooter and continuing on his way – carrying a slightly smaller pizza than before.

This is the moment a deliveryman was caught tucking into a customer’s pizza before deftly rearranging the slices to cover his tracks

The courier, understood to be from Mexico, replaced the huge pizza slice as if nothing had happened

The courier, understood to be from Mexico, replaced the huge pizza slice as if nothing had happened

The video was shared on TikTok by Susy Jimenez where it went viral with 5.5million views in four days.

One viewer commented: ‘Hehehe. I’m not condoning this, but I was surprised by his technique.’

Another local said: ‘I think someone just lost their job.’

Letty wrote: ‘I would have yelled at him when he finished. “Hey, I just recorded you”.’

Maf remarked: ‘I would have been angry if it was my food, but also, I can’t help but think, what if the poor soul didn’t have the chance to eat?’

Chris commented: ‘That’s why it’s better to ask for it without the portions cut.’

It is unclear where in Latin America the viral video was filmed, however the incident was widely covered by Mexican media.

He put the pizza back in its box and sealed it with sticky tape once more before heading off to make the delivery

He put the pizza back in its box and sealed it with sticky tape once more before heading off to make the delivery

The driver made several skillful incisions between the slices to make the pizza look as if it hadn't been touched

The driver made several skillful incisions between the slices to make the pizza look as if it hadn’t been touched

He cut out a slither at the center and between the sides, showing a lot of creativity

He cut out a slither at the center and between the sides, showing a lot of creativity
