Mother, 33, recalls horrifying moment she was BURNED ALIVE in front of her four-year-old son in agonizing bonfire accident that saw doctors forced to surgically remove her charred breasts

A mother has recalled the terrifying moment she blew up in flames in her own backyard while her four-year-old son watched in horror. 

Chassidy Taylor, 33, from Pageland, South Carolina, was home with her son, Chandler, when her backyard became engulfed in flames. 

But it wasn’t just her backyard that lit on fire, Chassidy did too and in a desperate attempt to put the flames that took over her body out, she dropped to the ground and started rolling around. 

And while she miraculously survived, she was left with third-degree burns all over her body and her breasts were even burned off. 

Chassidy Taylor, 33, from Pageland, South Carolina, was home with her son, Chandler, when her backyard became engulfed in flames

She has recalled the terrifying moment she blew up in flames in her own backyard while her four-year-old son watched in horror

She has recalled the terrifying moment she blew up in flames in her own backyard while her four-year-old son watched in horror

And while she miraculously survived, she was left with third-degree burns all over her body and her breasts were even burned off (seen with Chandler after the attack)

And while she miraculously survived, she was left with third-degree burns all over her body and her breasts were even burned off (seen with Chandler after the attack)

In December 2022, Chassidy was at home with her Chandler, who was four at the time, and had started a bonfire to burn some trash. 

Chassidy said: ‘My husband was at work, and my two eldest children, were out for lunch with their uncle. So it was just Chandler and I at home.

‘I’d been struggling trying to juggle three kids and a messy house. My marriage had been on the rocks for years too, but we were trying to work things out.

‘So that day I wanted to tidy up the house. There were loads of laundry and trash everywhere. The kid’s toy boxes were sprawled across the floor too.

‘I’d been burning our trash on the bonfire in the backyard for years, as the garbage collectors charged a lot per bag.

‘Chandler watched a kids show on TV and I popped outside into the backyard to sort the trash.’

While still donning her pajamas and her robe, Chassidy started throwing the trash into the fire and then headed back inside to check on Chandler. 

However, things quickly took a turn and soon enough, Chassidy saw her backyard go up in flames. 

In December 2022, Chassidy was at home with her Chandler, who was four at the time, and had started a bonfire to burn some trash

In December 2022, Chassidy was at home with her Chandler, who was four at the time, and had started a bonfire to burn some trash

While still donning her pajamas and her robe, Chassidy started throwing the trash into the fire and then headed back inside to check on Chandler

While still donning her pajamas and her robe, Chassidy started throwing the trash into the fire and then headed back inside to check on Chandler

She said: ‘Suddenly, my eyes darted towards the big window overlooking the backyard. There were huge flames.

‘I was really confused and as I got closer to the window, I realized the entire backyard was on fire.

‘I freaked out that the house was going to burn down, and also Chandler was there. I frantically tried to find my phone to call a fire department but it was no-where in sight.’

So, she ran outside in hopes she could see where the fire was coming from and if she would be able to put it out. 

However, Chassidy was soon engulfed in flames herself.

She explained: ‘Then out of nowhere, a petrol can rolling towards the porch. I was terrified so I quickly kicked it.

‘Suddenly petrol splattered all over my body and I went up in flames. Weirdly I felt no burning but it was just hot. As if I was stood in front of the sun. As I was screaming and being burned alive, Chandler waddled towards the back door.

‘He stood there, watching me, in shock. I realized my baby was going to see my die.’

The mom was terrified her son would see her die, but moments later, Chassidy remembered the fire safety catchphrase ‘stop, drop and roll’ from her school years.

However, things quickly took a turn and soon enough, Chassidy saw her backyard go up in flames

However, things quickly took a turn and soon enough, Chassidy saw her backyard go up in flames

The mom was terrified her son would see her die, but moments later, Chassidy remembered the fire safety catchphrase 'stop, drop and roll' from her school years

The mom was terrified her son would see her die, but moments later, Chassidy remembered the fire safety catchphrase ‘stop, drop and roll’ from her school years

She dropped to the ground and began rolling around and even managed to put herself out, but as she got back up, she was lit on fire again.

She continued rolling over the grass frantically until the fire was off of her.

After the flames were finally out, the mom was stunned to see that all of her clothes had been burned off. 

‘I looked down and saw my shoes, dressing gown and pajamas had burned off. All that was left was my bare, naked body.

‘There was blood everywhere. My flesh was burned and blistered, and skin was all over the grass. It was horrible but I was alive,’ she said.

The fire was still blazing, and moving towards the house, so Chassidy put on a robe, grabbed her son and rushed next door for help.

They called an ambulance and Chassidy was blue-lighted to an airport before being air-lifted in a helicopter to Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist medical center.

Meanwhile, Chandler was collected from the neighbor’s house by Chassidy’s sister.

In the hospital, Chassidy discovered she had third and fourth degree burns from her feet up to her neck – with only her face being spared – and her breasts had been burnt off. 

She had burned nearly 70 per cent of her body and was in and out of surgery every day.

The fire was still blazing, and moving towards the house, so Chassidy put on a robe, grabbed her son and rushed next door for help

The fire was still blazing, and moving towards the house, so Chassidy put on a robe, grabbed her son and rushed next door for help

They called an ambulance and Chassidy was blue-lighted to an airport before being air-lifted in a helicopter to Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist medical center

They called an ambulance and Chassidy was blue-lighted to an airport before being air-lifted in a helicopter to Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist medical center

She added: ‘After a few weeks, at one point, my heart stopped beating for nine minutes. I was resuscitated and brought back to life.

‘I had a ton of skin grafts done from my back. And after two months there, I woke from surgery without my breasts.

‘They had to remove them because the tissue was too damaged. I was devastated. I didn’t recognize my own body, and no longer felt beautiful.’ 

Chassidy noted that she felt like she was in a horrible dream and struggled to remain positive. She added: ‘I thought I was in an awful dream. The medication made me hallucinate constantly and I felt myself floating around the corridors.

‘I tried to get up and walk a few times but would collapse. Doctors worried I wouldn’t walk again.

‘My husband came to visit but the kids weren’t allowed, so I had to video-call them. I missed them terribly.

After six months in hospital, in June 2023, Chassidy had developed bone ossification which meant her left elbow and left knee had grown bones and made them unable to move.

In the hospital, Chassidy discovered she had third and fourth degree burns from her feet up to her neck - with only her face being spared - and her breasts had been burnt off

In the hospital, Chassidy discovered she had third and fourth degree burns from her feet up to her neck – with only her face being spared – and her breasts had been burnt off

Three weeks later, she was transferred to two rehabilitation centers where she learned to use a wheelchair as she still couldn’t walk.

Chassidy added: ‘I was finally discharged that month and went home. I missed the kids so much.

‘But recovering from my burns, in a wheelchair, I had to accept my new reality. I began to struggle and had flashbacks of the fire and PTSD.

‘I couldn’t watch films with fire, or see fireworks. Chandler, who’s now five, was traumatized too, he suffered with nightmares.

‘He couldn’t bear burgers due to its bloody flesh, and spaghetti sauce reminded him of my blood. So he stopped eating a lot of foods.

‘My heart broke for him witnessing such a horrific thing at his age.

‘At home my husband and I’s marriage got worse too. Our problems went years back, but he also couldn’t take seeing me in so much pain. It took a toll on us and we separated.’

Now, Chassidy's (seen with her daughter) still in a wheelchair and can't get out of bed some days

Now, Chassidy’s (seen with her daughter) still in a wheelchair and can’t get out of bed some days

However, she tries to remind herself that it's a miracle that she is alive and tries to stay positive

However, she tries to remind herself that it’s a miracle that she is alive and tries to stay positive

Now, Chassidy’s still in a wheelchair and can’t get out of bed some days.

However, she tries to remind herself that it’s a miracle that she is alive and tries to stay positive.   

Chassidy explained: ‘Doctors have warned me it might be years until I walk, if at all.

But I know I am lucky to be alive and I have to remind myself of that. Although I went through the most horrific thing, I know I am lucky to be alive.

‘My little boy was unharmed too, and that’s what matters most. He nearly watched me die that day and I’m just so glad we’re okay.’ 

Chassidy has since learned that the fire started because she accidentally threw a bug spray can in with the rest of the trash. 

She added: ‘Sometimes I still feel ashamed of my scars. But I’ve overcome so much and I shouldn’t hide them away. I’m a proud survivor.’
