A new mother was slammed after she shared a video of her husband tickling their four-month-old daughter, with one critic branding it ‘torture’.
Audrey Roloff, 24, from Oregon, shared a sweet 12-second clip of husband Jeremy tickling their daughter Ember on her Facebook page.
But the blogger, who boasts 700,000 followers on Instagram, soon came under fire from those who claim it is damaging to tickle an infant, with one mother claiming the tickling would lead the little girl to ‘develop a stutter’.
However others defended the parent, branding the comments hysterical and encouraging her to keep bonding with their daughter.
Audrey Roloff, 24, from Oregon, has been slammed for sharing a video in which her husband Jeremy is tickling their four-month-old baby

The blogger, who boasts 700k followers on Instagram, came under fire, with one mother claiming the little girl would ‘develop a stutter’, and another branding it ‘hysterical’
Posting the adorable video to her Facebook last week, Audrey wrote: ‘These two are my favourites’, adding a heart face emoji.
And despite garnering over 3,500 likes, some mothers warned against tickling the baby.
‘Don’t tickle babies it will make them stutter. It hurts their nervous system. Think what it does to you if someone holds your arms and tickles you,’ one follower wrote.
Another recalled her own experience, writing: ‘I remember being tickled as a child and I remember that I hated it. This family is awesome but the point being made is to do research on the effects of tickling.

Posting the adorable video to her Facebook last week, Audrey had written: ‘These two are my favourites’, adding a heart face emoji

‘Torture’: Some had very extreme reactions to watching the 12-second home video
‘I could not catch my breath enough to say stop and if I could the tickler would not stop. It was torturous. Sometimes I would actually get tears in my eyes and thought I was going to die from being tickled.’
And one commenter took it a step further, commenting: ‘Torture. How would you like it if you were restrained and tickled. Why take the chance if there is a chance. Many ways to make a baby smile. Geesh’.
A final added: ‘Good Daddy, but don’t tickle her too muck, not good for her.’

Dividing opinion: Parents came down on both sides of the argument in a heated debate
However the majority of followers were supportive of the blogger, defending her against the comments.
‘OMG people, get a life. I tickled my daughters and they are normal wonderful mothers themselves,’ one wrote.
Another added: ‘My kids all survived by being tickled ..leave them alone. If you don’t like what they do delete them from your post. I am so sick of most people You all must think you are or were perfect parents.’
‘Some of these comments are ridiculous! Tickle your child if you want. It does no harm to them,’ one mum wrote.
Speaking to Yahoo, Tiffany Field from the University of Miami School of Medicine confirmed it is fine to lightly tickle your baby as long as you read their body language.
‘It’s like a roller coaster: Rousing stimulation can be okay for a minute or two, but if your child has had enough – she’s squirming and struggling to get away – it’s time to stop.’

My kids all survived by being tickled ..leave them alone. I am so sick of most people You all must think you are or were perfect parents,’ others defended the blogger