‘It was just pee mommy!’ Mother-of-two details the horrifying moment she took a lick of her daughter’s half-eaten ice cream – only to learn that the four-year-old ‘wiped my butt with it’
- Sidney Anderson bought her daughter Blakely an ice cream cone at McDonald’s
- After eating some of it at home, the little girl handed it to her mother, who licked it to stop a drip
- Blakely, wide-eyed, asked if it was still OK — and then revealed she’d accidentally used it to wipe herself in the bathroom
- Sidney, who is from Georgia and runs a mommy-focused Facebook page, was horrified and shared the now-viral story online
A Georgia mother-of-two learned the hard way — truly, the hardest way possible — not to share food with her four-year-old daughter.
Sidney Anderson, who runs the mommy Facebook page ‘Someone hold my beer,’ made the mistake of snagging a bite from her daughter Blakely’s ice cream cone for the very last time earlier this week.
Writing about the mishap on Facebook on August 12, Sidney shared the horrifying place that Blakely’s ice cream had been before she grabbed it and licked it herself.
Ew! Mother-of-two Sidney Anderson was horrified after taking a lick of her daughter’s ice cream cone and learning that she’s used it to wipe in the bathroom
‘Y’ALL!!!! I am DONE with these kids!! I learned a hard lesson today… one I wasn’t prepared for and I feel like I’ve been through a trauma! I need prayer!’ Sidney wrote.
‘I got Blakely an ice cream cone (yes the McDonald’s machine was working),’ she said.
‘Well she walks into the living room and hands me her cone (half eaten like everything I give her) and I know all you moms have been there. We as moms pretty much live off of the food our kids don’t eat so I licked it before it dripped.’
But as she licked it, she noticed Blakely was staring at her with an odd expression.
‘I ask her: “what’s wrong?”’ Sydney recalled.
‘And she says: “Is it okay?!”
‘At this point I’m scared b/c I don’t know what just happened. I think maybe she dropped it in her room and was scared to say. We stand there looking at each other and the ice cream cone.

Gross! Sidney said her four-year-old, Blakely, handed her the cone and then waited until after she tasted it to tell her where it had been

Mom life: Sydney runs the mommy Facebook page ‘Someone hold my beer.’
‘And this fool says: “I accidentally wiped my butt with it.”
Understandably, Sydney was horrified, and she added some queasy-looking emojis to her post to drive home the point.
‘Excuse me?!! With this ice cream cone I just licked?! Wtf!! I am coming unglued,’ she wrote.
‘So I ask this child, “How do you accidentally wipe your butt with an ice cream and WHY did you give it to me to eat????”
‘She looks me dead in my face and says “I used the wrong hand to wipe but it was just pee mommy.”
‘DONE! Someone come get these kids. I cannot even handle it. If y’all need me I’ll be washing my mouth out with Clorox,’ she concluded, adding a few choice hashtags included #kidsarea**holes, #shesaiditwasjustpee, #allmylifeihadtostruggle, and #parentinglol.

Need a laugh? She shared the disgusting saga on Facebook, where it’s gone viral

Never again! Other parents chimed in to share the lessons that they, too, learned the hard way
Sydney’s post has since been shared 274,000 times and counting, with other parents sharing their own experiences and hard-learned lessons in the commnet.s
‘That’s why I don’t eat behind anyone even if my kids give me anything they’ve eaten off of,’ wrote one.
‘Prayers mama… mine ate my contacts, broke my glasses, flooded the daycare bathroom, flooded the bathroom floor, cut each others hair, cut open a foam ball lightening McQueen pillow, found my 24 pack of glitter all opened in their closet….yes mama…I feel your pain!!! Hugs!’ said another.
‘My sister used my moms toothbrush to clean a ball and when mom asked her why she said, “I put it back like always momma,”‘ added yet another.